The McElhattan Foundation donates $150,000 to CCEDC Main Street program in Knox

Courtesy of Knox Borough, Pa.

KNOX, Pa. – The McElhattan Foundation has announced its interest in supporting the Clarion County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC) and has committed $150,000 to the CCEDC’s Regional Main Street Program in Knox, Pennsylvania.

The CCEDC is in the early stages of the Clarion County Regional Main Street Initiative, a statewide effort to facilitate and promote the revitalization of Clarion County’s inner-city main streets. The program begins in Clarion, East Brady, Foxburg, Knox and New Bethlehem.

The McElhattan Foundation is a grant organization based in Pittsburgh. It awards grants in four program areas: ending on-the-job deaths, education, end-of-life planning and care, and economic development in the cities of Knox and Franklin.

Sarah Pistella, McElhattan Foundation Program Officer, said, “By investing in CCEDC’s Main Street Initiative in Knox, the McElhattan Foundation underscores its commitment to fostering vibrant communities and sustainable economic development. We believe in the power of collaboration and strategic investments to revitalize downtown areas, and we are excited to be part of this transformative journey.”

The CCEDC is leading the initiative as part of its overall 2030 economic development strategy.

The initiative will begin with an open community revitalization visioning process specifically focused on creating a shared regional vision for downtown revitalization and a regional action strategy for downtown revitalization for the five communities in Clarion County. The effort includes identifying key partners, projects and additional financing that can support a variety of revitalization and redevelopment opportunities.

“We were excited to hear that the McElhattan Foundation is interested in supporting our program in Knox,” said Jarred Heuer, executive director of CCEDC. “The driving force behind the Main Street Initiative will be public-private partnerships with a laser focus on key capital projects that promote community revitalization in our downtown.

“I am thrilled that the McElhattan Foundation board sees this vision and has taken the initiative,” Heuer added.

The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) offers grant programs that the CCEDC plans to pursue to fund capital projects and improvements. The McElhattan Foundation investment will go toward projects identified during the planning process.

About the Clarion County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC):

The Clarion County Economic Development Corporation is a nonprofit organization committed to promoting economic growth and development in Clarion County. The CCEDC supports a range of industry sectors, including energy, manufacturing, food and beverage, logistics and tourism, to promote opportunities within the province. Through various initiatives and partnerships, CCEDC aims to create a thriving business environment and improve the quality of life for all residents and entrepreneurs. For more information, visit