Vumar moves faster and more nimbly through Guatemala’s portuario system

Ciudad de Guatemala, May 4. (AGN).- Martes 30 de abril, Guatemala lanzó su Ventanilla Única Marítima (Vumar), a platform digital única to compare and intercamambian information between the autoridades that realize the process of libre-platica and the embarcaciones that can escalate in the puertos del país centroamericano.

La Vumar has several advantages, including the ministrade CommunicationJazmin de la Vega:

This is presented for the inauguration of Vumar, which is a time when this will take a while, but it will be a few minutes shorter, and other benefits.

The result is that the maritime community receives a series of benefits for Guatemala’s national Portuguese system.

Other benefits

This is a way to improve the processing processes in the portuaire system, through a digital platform. In addition, security controls and data analysis can be improved and time and logistics costs can be reduced.

In the context of the digital transformation, you have an interinstitutional agreement between the Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria and the Ministers of National Defense, Salud Pública and Social Aid and Agriculture, Ganadería and Alimony; if it is Instituto Guatemalanteco de Migración.

The problem with the pharmacy and the technical assistance of Alianza Global and the goal is to answer the implementation of the Vumar.

Supervisan funcionamiento

During the period of the Ventanilla Única Marítima, the Ministry of Communities, led by the Vice Minister of Transport, Jorge Contreras, registered the installations in the Portuaria Quetzal company.

With explanations from Marilyn Morales Paz, president of the Portuguese Quetzal company:

Puerto Quetzal has given the mayor an import tax on país, so it is an important point to recall the mayor in DAE-IVA, which is an important point for imports.

This represents an important point for the country’s income, economic development and turnaround of Guatemala.

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