It’s hard to be a burden in the workplace

Best Troubleshooter:

I am a female civil servant in my mid-forties. I worry because even though I don’t have the confidence to continue working at my job until retirement, it would be very difficult for me to change jobs while raising children.

I am from the generation that grew up during the Labor Ice Age, so after graduating I worked a lot in regular employment.

Now in my 40s, I have found a full-time job, but it is in a position outside my expertise. My other colleagues surpass me both mentally and physically.

All I can think of is that the person responsible for hiring me made a mistake. The entire time I’ve been working here, I’ve felt like apologizing to those around me and feeling like I’ve been blessed with great bosses throughout my working life. But I tell myself, “No matter what, just hang in there for another year,” and “Patience trumps.”

I recently transferred to a new section, where there are a lot of younger and very capable people, and I just feel like such a burden. It’s terrible. I also cannot keep up with the rapid digitalization.

I don’t have the fundamental skills necessary to be a functioning member of society, and I’m just getting older. I feel like I’m setting a bad example for my children. Even if I am fortunate enough to receive training in specialized skills, I can barely keep up with the content.

— N, Yamaguchi Prefecture

Dear Mrs. N:

I can truly empathize with the pain you feel at not being able to keep up with work that is outside your area of ​​expertise. It’s unfortunate that you got a late start in life because you spent a lot of time working as a non-regular employee after graduating and missed the opportunity to acquire those fundamental skills.

However, it’s not like you’re getting complaints from those around you about your work performance and you’ve put effort into your training. It seems like the people around you understand that you have a positive attitude. I don’t think you need to feel like you’re a burden.

What does a conversation with your boss about your work sound like? It would be great if they delegated more tasks that match your skills and that you can perform with confidence.

I also think you will feel more comfortable communicating with your colleagues, the ones you find it easiest to talk to. Sharing information and speaking things out with them can help ease your concerns.

People tend to feel overwhelmed and like to run away when there are a lot of capable younger people in the workplace. But you who lived through the employment ice age and raised children, you are also admirable. People who have been through hard times and survived to the other side gain strength equal to their experiences.

Please have faith in the fact that you have lived your life through gritted teeth.

– Junko Umihara, psychiatrist