Comisión de Presupuesto en Hacienda tratará de miércoles los projectos de movilidad jubilatoria

During the debate we must discuss the alternatives to the recomposition that Gobierno will determine on the journey of DNU 274/24, in the way the anniversary years are celebrated It concerns the variations of the IPC. Additionally, part of this solution finds a transition cronogram that needs to happen The new exercise formula is very important for part of the month of July.

The committee of Social Previsionchairman of the radical Gabriela Brouwer de Koning, broadcasts several statements, pero Remember to hold a meeting during the plenary sessionsbecause the tratamiento is part of the camino.

If there is an embargo, the violation is caused by the ley bases, Gobierno sees the green because the comisión de presupuesto other sessions can yield other themes.

Anniversary relocations: the proverbs on a social level

The committee of Previsión Sociale avaló tres dictamenes: the mayor terminó siendo el de Union por la Patria, I propose one recomposition of the first 30% of the rights offered to jubilee and pension recipientsand now that you’re laying the groundwork for updating the formula you’re putting together salary variation and ANSES recaudacion (Alberto Fernández’s formula), pero sumando the menstrual bleeding is caused by the inflammation.

La UCR and Hacemos Coalition Federal Firmon and dictamen de minoría proponiendo un less than a few anniversaries on the month of the Canasta Básica Totaland actualization of menstruation by IPC, with extras in case the RIPTE is caused by the inflammation.

Además, establish one recomposition of 8.1% for that 12.5% ​​of the Gobier decreto a total of 20.6% corresponds to the energy inflammatory.

The dictation of the minor Frente de Izquierda before the anniversary is minimum, this is an equivalent of the month Canasta Básica del Adulto Mayorand propose updating your home as an alternative IPC oh el RIPTE, If you respect the updating of the IPC or RIPTE, the result will be increasingly favorable. In addition, 82% of the movement is assured for all anniversaries.

La Libertad Avanza and the PRO no longer have any ruling on these statements and can submit the dispute in decree 274/24.