Gobierno en disidencias de las Farc have been reunited with communities in Caquetá

In San Vicente del Caguán, the delegation of the Governorate and voters of the State Mayor Central, who is in the dialogue dialogue, is reunited with this community with the communities of the region. If you follow a social dialogue, have made an agreement on the mesa, to protect 150 delegates of the regional organization organizations, and you have four foursomes.

What’s at the reunion? If you look at the case of La Novia Celestial, you already have 250 characters. All there are a committee of the government delegation: the negotiator Camilo González, the emperor Carlos Murgas, and the military observer, the general Danysh Adey Forero. There are also representatives of the international community such as ONU, the MAPP-OEA, Irlanda, Suiza, Venezuela and Noruega.

For the part of EMC, which is constantly on the mesa, several voices are present, under the alias “Calarcá”, commander of the Bloque Jorge Suárez Briceño, a structure of its own with the Caquetá and the Meta. “Calarcá” is one of the comandantes that is more distant from the other facción of EMC, comandada by “Iván Mordisco” and with great strength in the Colombian Suroccidente.

¿Sobre que hablarán? The company in the community of the university “Sabanas del Yari”, as the name of the educational institution that has the introduction of the disidentity with the name “Gentil Duarte”; one of the first comandantes during the 2016 trial.

There are problems with access to the university level of the Amazon, among other countries.