We participate in the acto-recordator of the Holocaust and heroic deeds

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We participate in the acto-recordator of the Holocaust and heroic act

With the presentation of the President of the Republic in the ejercicio, Beatriz Argimón, the Israeli Community of Uruguay realized on lunes 6, an act of reflection and recuerdo on the Holocaust and Heroic Act. The event, the characteristic artistic exhibition, through the journey of the muestra “No distinction”, the importance of life in conflict with the different expressions of the world and discrimination in the world.

Beatriz Argimón en exposición recordatoria del Holocausto

Al acto realized in the National Auditorio Adela Reta, assistant, adamás, the secretariat of the president, Rodrigo Ferrés; the Ministers of Education and Culture, Pablo da Silveira; the Relaciones Exteriores, Omar Paganini, and the Vivienda en Ordenamiento Territorial, Raúl Lozano; the Undersecretary of the Interior, Pablo Abdala, and representatives of the legal collections in Uruguay.

At one point, the organization of the fight against anti-Semitism movement presents the artistic movement ‘No Discrimination’, which reflects the importance of the struggle against the different expressions of the world and the discrimination in the world.

The exhibition, composed of various audiovisual pieces, personas and plastics, can reflect the lives of the personas during the years of the Nazi persecution, the preambles and the explosion of the 2.ª world war.

The young man has created a reflection and advertising space on the debate about the world in society, and the renewal of the compromise “now more”.

While the history of the country has produced 6,000,000 assinados lawsuits, and the zest for life that lives in Uruguay is being recovered. In this opportunity, Argimón would spend the last part of his life incarcerated and track down the victims of the Holocaust.