Visite parliamentary à la maison d’arrêt de Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, unique in France for the reduction of risks

The ecologist Anne Souyris is present at the entrance to Arrêt’s house in Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, at the gates of Montpellier, on May 2, and announces a surveillance through the intercom:
-Bonjour, your sénatrice and your friends for your visit
-Ah, mais je ne suis pas au courant, lazy answer son interlocutor
-Oui, c’est bien le but, rétorque à son tour l’élue de Paris. Elle is a vient and a representative of the parliamentary visit and the Bleu Hérault of France, which has received a different opinion, without asking questions.

You wash, wash, wash endlessly

The visitor is an employee of the training service who has a scheme that advances the prison sector. Prime Minister Arrêt: locals are one of the “arrived packages”. You will understand the hygiene products for the détenu, the products for the cellulite, the plastic vaisselle, a notepad with two pre-timbrees envelopes and the need for the couchage. “Are the products innovative?” ask the senator. “Seulement for the needy” precise notre accompagnatrice.

Pay 5.25 euros per hour

Ensuite, un passage par our workshops are engaged in a détenus-trentaine. The director of the establishment, and congé ce jour-là, rejoins the group. The owner’s house passes contracts with certain companies on the image of Well, for example, certain collants and bas sont pliés and conditions in Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone.

La main d’œuvre is a bon marché, 5.25 euros l’heure, mais elle n’est plus payée au returns. Les détenus font une journée continue, the 8 am to 1 pm, car “cela leur permet the participant in après-midi activities” justify the directress, comme le sport, les cours or encore les promenades.

Visit the outside with the détenus that is in the formation pour the certificate six times d’ouvriers-paysagistes. It is possible to realize all burgundy plants, twisting the rounded tips and making a fair potager. “Is the reason why you are interested in the sorting process, and contact with the terrestrial environment? I am passionate about your knowledge, about the pan and about the responsibility” he is congratulated by his formateur.

The work of the prison’s chief medical officer is saved by OMS

Très involved in the game with Sida and the questions about toxicomanias, Anne Souyris is extremely interested in the work of Dr. Fari Meroueh, to the sanitary unit of the woman’s house for 28 years. That is a fact for risk reduction salué par l’Organisation global de la santé : the message that hepatitis C has been eliminated has had more virus than a carceral environment that shows the outside for 10 years since September.

First and foremost, the result is the result a dépstage policy is very voluntary. “If it is about a plus of 90%, the population will increase” if the doctor chief has a beautiful white mustache in his guide. When it comes to toxins, injecting your product. 5% of the détenus environment is declared honest.

Pas d’hépatite C, pas d’overdose

And second place, le Dr. Meroueh, do not abandon the unity of the CHU de Montpellier, there is a misguided program of changing the seringues to eliminate one of the main sources of infection. The program concerns moments of relaxation. There is an exchange of pipes for crack, a drogue is present in the prison. “Quand on me dit, il va y avoir plus de drogué, you answer that it is fake: y and a déjà”. If it is good, it will be a pleasure for the visitors or to live through the drone.

Les plus en les moins, selon la sénatrice

Après three real days of visiting au cours de laquelle elle a pu s’entrenir avec deux détenus (a minor and a major), Anne Souyris gets dressed. Elle Loue “the great price for medical and sanitary facilities that is, is the prison of France or a plus of the hepatitis C virus”.

Elle salue également la reduction of risks “with the change of seringues” and the attention paid to the users of the penitentiaries “son dan le déni” to this question, in a prompt qu’il “There has been no overdose in this prison after 10 years”.

Autre bon point: sports activities are accessible during the second half of the year, “très importantes à l’époque des JO”. Out of revenge, “la carcérale overpopulation is a vrai souci”150% à la maison d’arrêt and 51 matelas au sol, depending on the demand “pour more plus the formations and that remains a decision by Etat who has a strong and weak force”.