Martín Perez demands “rigoursidad y serialdad en lo que refiere a Malvinas”

The Río’s intention was high when the president of the BBC visited Cameron in Malvinas.

RIO GRANDE.- The intention of Martín Perez is that he demands “rigorous and serial act in lo que reriere a Malvinas”, while he has told the manifestations of the President Javier Milei to the announcement of the BBC, is considering a visit to the British cancellation to the islands of Malvinas no fueron una provocation de Gran Bretaña midway de recall para la sobriety so nuestro país.

Martín Perez critic of the statements that Milei made during the BBC round about Malvinas.

Military already confirmed mid-British that the visit to the islands of British Britain is not provoked, David Cameron, who said in February that “this area is a man of the Reino unit and ten times the hacerlo area”.

While on the Milei distance, Martín Perez’s intention proposed that “an additional function on the island of Malvinas would occur with the consent of nuestro país”. These positions are fundamental in the resolution of the ONU and the National Constitution, which respects Argentina’s position on the island of Malvinas.

“La Causa Malvinas is a policy of the Estado de la Nación”, confirms Martín Perez and señaló that “the presidents pasan, that they are firm, the love and the Argentine war to now return to the Atlantic” . In this context, the intention is a lamado to bring on board the Malvinas sea with strict rules and series that respect the Causa.

Recorded that on February 19 the red social the resolutions of Naciones Unidas”.

The intention of the Río Grande states that “the persistence of colonialism in the XXI era represents a provision in the country and the protection of the world. There is no positive agenda for cooperation that is possible to continue your gobier on the prepotent path to the future situation to circumvent its international obligations”.