Alicante offers preventive measures against the implementation of advice on collegios

Alicante, May 7, 2024. The Alicante Education Conference organized the Jornadas de Conductas de Riesgo and the Entorno Escolar on May 9. An encuentro that is located in the Plan Municipal as Trastornos Addictivos and that pretends to be a space for the education of professionals, the salud and the various social experts to determine the importance of implementing programs that meet one of our criteria calibrate weld conduction prevention in escolar mode.
The jornada goes to the municipal building of Puerta Ferrisa, between 9:30 am and 1:00 pm. The inauguration correlates the charge of the educational organization of Alicante, Mari Carmen de España and the director of the public public sector of the Sanidad conselleria, Ruth Usó.
“The aim of these jornadas is sensitive to the importance of education for health when it comes to preventing driving and repaying the prevention for future future acciones,” explains the education concession. “Además, us all the education motivates to realize programs that respect some criteria based on scientific basis and facilitate the conocimiento and the interrelationships between recursos and social agents involved in the prevention ambition”, and. Ultimately, “a study to enable analyzes and reflections offers different intervention strategies, as education, community and familiarity and experience with concrete concrete experiences,” the editors conclude.
Conference programme
The doctor Bartolomé Pérez, in charge of the mental health and counseling office, presents the lines of operation of your department and materia of prevention of riesgos at the escolar evening.
Mari Carmen Jiménez, jefa del Servicio de Inclusión Educativa de la conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo, believes it is important to provide education for the salud.
María Paula Luna, director of the APSI Education Center. Consider the prevention of the advice with scientific evidence and the escolar.
Finally, the Unidad prevention-addictive lines of conduct provide the educational lines for the prevention of advice and other rules of conduct in collegiate and municipal institutions. In the case of the Brújula and the 12-16 programs, more than 29,000 alumni of Primaria, Secundaria and FP participate.
Professional people who want to provide help to young people can register on the municipal website.
The Municipal Plan for Trastornos is a multi-year document, with a new lease of life, elaborated in accordance with the criteria established in the Plan Estratégico on Trastornos Addictivos for the Generalitat. I intend to coordinate and implement effective measures that allow the Ayuntamiento of Alicante to prevent the problems of drug consumption and other behaviors with the capacity of general advertising, such as the juego, the technology or the consumption of medicines with fine narcotics, which is included in the first part of the 2024-2027 plan.