‘Salón Malvinas Argentinas’: the life and life of an agradeciron of Gobernador

Para María Cristina Aguilera and Cristian Martínez renamed the espacio in the Casa de Gobierno mantiene the memory of his question, caído in the dog of General Belgrano.

Osvaldo Francisco Martínez has registered with the marina for his profession and jury member for the way of life of the Patria, with his life, María Cristina Aguilera. No part of Malvina’s War is being sold, but a gas burner and a gas burner from the war era are being sold. There were still 322 companions, the hundimiento del crucero ARA General Belgrano was alive on May 2, 1982. During the 42nd anniversary of this Oscar Capítulo de la Historia Argentina, Governor Claudio Poggi named the Salón de la Puntanidad de Terrazas del Portezuelo as ‘Salón Malvinas Argentinas’, in honor of all those who fight in the conflict of Atlántico Sur. “El estaría orgulloso porque era un hombre de mar”, dijo la mujer.

“I think I am a victim of desaparecido in the crucero General Belgrano… era a man of the month, who made a choice in the marina for his profession and juró of the vida in la Patria. I have no arm, I am with gas and jeringas”, recordó Aguilera. “I would have helped the current governor at this time because I made a decision that this salon has a new disposition and that it is important,” agree.

“It is a wise choice for me and sober things for my mother, which comes alive by an era in which a nacido is received,” says Cristian, hijo de Osvaldo. While at home in Gobierno, Martínez said he had “a fantastic idea of ​​a way of Malvinization and not the idea of ​​what Malvinas would be. Dejar, as the Gobernador, the legate of the new future.”