Galilee Montijo creates the castles of Andrea Escalona and Andrea Rodríguez – Publimetro México

War is declared Martha Galilee Montijo Torres j Andrea Escalona Rodriguez. Luego de que la revision TVNotes destapara que las conductors of the program “Hi” see enfrentaron in los camerinos de Television San Ángel nuevos and delicatessen details sold a la luz.

The information is revealed about the period of the spectacular events Alex Kaffie quien por medio de su programa de youtube “Shame Lisonsa”and did the second version of Galilee and Andrea because of an interruption he did Magda Rodriguez (QEPD) Galilee has realized a company with a specialist.

El villano de los espectáculos I revealed that Galilee and Andrea discussed the program’s comrades, while giving another account of their actions. I reported that Galilee asked the question about the most television broadcasts of her father and her mother, because she first received a negative answer, and Andrea Rodríguez had more results in high school.

No dirige la palabra

Publimetro I can confirm the emissions of May 1, 2 and 3 that the conviviality between these people is now in this case. It may be that the first 2 days of the May holiday are not part of the 3 hours that the sailor lasts, the May 3 celebrations appear in these sections: the spectacular and an imitation game.

I think you are in the part of the espectáculos “Desayunando e chismeando‘Andrea Escalona did not utter a statement during the period when she received a cuadro, Galilea Montijo found a solo with her company, no more volte.

If Escalona invites a juego (in the rival Galilee outfit), while there is a stop between the two, it continues with the rest of the conductors. Do you want to fight the international battle in “Hoy”?