Why (SPOILER) didn’t their idol star in Survivor 46, episode 10? Well, for two reasons

Can you believe it? Another castaway from Survivor season 46 was voted off with a hidden immunity idol in their pocket Survivor 46 episode 10, “Run the Red Light.” And thanks to Entertainment Weekly’s Dalton Ross, we finally have a much clearer reason why.

Tiffany Nicole Ervin was blindsided in episode 10. After barely losing the immunity challenge to Charlie Davis, Tiffany was voted out after Maria, Charlie, Ben, Liz and Q teamed up to eliminate her. Now there are only seven players left. In season 46, 11 players were voted out.

After threatening to play her hidden immunity idol in episode 9, which she found in the Yanu camp before the merger, Tiffany was guaranteed to play it in episode 10, right? Wrong! And she talked about why she didn’t play it with EW.

The first and most obvious reason Tiffany didn’t play her idol was because she was convinced everyone had gotten so sick of Q that they would have to vote him out!

Here’s what Tiffany told EW about why she thought Q was going home:

“Obviously it came to bite me in the ass, but there was a lot of planning and conversation, and that was coupled with the fact that everyone at camp at that point was really fed up with Q. You guys didn’t see it. I saw a lot of it, but people were so annoyed. So I’m thinking: these people are Oscar-worthy actors, or they’re really tired of this guy.”

This is so funny because this is exactly what got Hunter trapped in the previous episode. Hunter also left with a hidden immunity idol in his pocket after being convinced the tribe would vote Q out.

Obviously we’ve seen some of Q’s antics and he’s a threat, but it sounds like he was a lot worse than we’ve ever seen. Man, I can’t wait for the reunion!

Drive through the red light

Looking back, it was a bad move for Tiffany not to play her idol because she was convinced that the tribe hated Q so much. Did they hate him worth $1 million? I do not think so! But it makes so much more sense to know that Charlie and Tiffany had a plan of their own.

“Obviously I took a risk. I knew what was going on. But I think people didn’t see that me and Charlie had a very good working relationship, and they didn’t show much of it on camera. , but Charlie and I had a lot of discussions about possibly using the idol for blind Maria later on. And this is something that was brought to my plate. So I think: this is a great idea.

It is clear to everyone at home that Maria is in an excellent position to win the game, and that has been the case from the start. She is one of the brightest and brightest players of the season. She made an excellent choice by allying with Charlie, and they’ve basically sat in the shadows, controlling the game while Q and others took ALL THE HEAT. Jeff called Q a “smokescreen,” and Maria and Charlie have been using him as a shield for several votes in a row now.

Ultimately, I think Charlie made the right move by keeping Tiffany in the dark about the decision to vote her out, but I have some thoughts on it that I’ll save for another day. In short, it was too early for Charlie to turn on Maria, and he couldn’t stop the car from ‘running a red light’, so he had to go through with it. And that’s why I think Charlie will win the game. He plays chess and thinks about so many moves. Now that we know he has a plan to take out Maria, I think he’s in a great place.

And besides, it makes so much sense that Tiffany didn’t use her idol. According to Tiffany, Charlie approached her with the plan to use the idol to eliminate Maria, and they had a great relationship! Of course, it makes sense that Tiffany would expect Charlie to come back to her and tell her the plan had changed. I now completely understand where she came from.

This game is just heating up! We’ll see what happens next Survivor. Episode 11 airs May 8, 2024, only on CBS and Paramount+.

Next one. Everyone voted out of Survivor season 46. Everyone voted out of Survivor season 46. light