Wildlife Commission expects hunters to be allowed to kill more bears • Nevada Current

For more than a decade, hunters in Nevada have been allowed to kill only 20 bears per year. But in recent years that number has risen, and on Friday the Nevada Wildlife Commission is expected to vote to allow hunters to kill 42 bears in September.

Nevada’s first bear hunt in 2011 authorized the sale of 45 tags and allowed 20 bears to be killed, including six females, according to wildlife commission documents. The quota – the number of tags sold to potential hunters – was later increased to 50 tags, but the hunting limit remained at 20 bears.

Last year, despite a Department of Wildlife recommendation that hunters limit themselves to killing 20 bears, the commission voted to reduce the quota to 37 tags but increase the number of bears to be killed to 37.

On Friday, the commission will vote on a proposal to make 42 tags available and allow hunters to kill 42 bears, this time in line with the department’s recommendation.

“Since the commission dramatically increased these limits to meet quotas, it appears the department has followed their lead,” Smith said.

Given recent developments, this step comes as a surprise to animal rights activists criticism of the commission for failing to represent the vast majority of Nevadans who do not hunt and prefer coexistence with wildlife to their slaughter.

“We will not comment on this at this time as it will be discussed in depth at tomorrow’s committee meeting where an NDOW bear biologist will give a comprehensive presentation on current bear populations,” NDOW spokeswoman Ashley Zeme said via email. “All NDOW recommendations are based on current population size. NDOW will only make recommendations, and then the Commission will make the final decision on quotas after review and input from the public and provincial advisory councils.”

“The commission and the Department of Wildlife have made it perfectly clear that they do not care that the majority of Nevadans oppose bear hunting and especially the use of dogs in bear hunting,” said animal rights activist Carolyn Stark, noting that last year, all 19 bears killed during the hunt were “chased by dogs and then shot from a tree.”

Stark said the department and commission “have made it perfectly clear that they do not care that bear hunters killed two lactating females during a hunt last year. This undoubtedly left the dependent cubs orphaned as well.”

The commission is dominated by hunting and ranching interests under a statutory scheme that requires there be five ‘sportsmen’, that is, hunters, fishermen or trappers who have purchased a license in three of the last four years, one farmer, one farmer, one conservationist. and a member of the public.

The lopsided membership, critics say, makes the board ineffective and preoccupied with look out for farmers and hunters endangering the wildlife it is intended to protect.

“Less than 3% of the population hunts. Yet eight out of nine (89%) of the commissioners who make wildlife decisions hunt,” says Stark. “They make decisions based on their own biases and preferences.”

“I knew where the committee stood when it came to changing wildlife values ​​– the majority don’t believe it,” said Cathy Smith, No Bear Hunt Nevada board member. She says the recommendation to allow the killing of more bears illustrates the commission’s lack of concern for public sentiment regarding trophy hunting.

“Wildlife, especially bears, mountain lions and now elk, will never get a fair shake in this state under the current system,” Stark said.