Starting part of Racing Club and Talleres (RE)

Otras Ligas de Fútbol

With the firm illusion of a good result for the match Argentina – Copa Argentina 2024, La Academia and Talleres, they defined a man with equipment that went to the final octaves. The match starts at 7:10 PM at the Centenario Ciudad de Quilmes.

El Juez plays to lead the party in Pablo Echavarría’s Centenario Ciudad de Quilmes.

Formación de Racing Club hoy

Gustavo Costa’s technique played a 3-5-2 formation with three goals; Marco Di Césare, Santiago Sosa and Agustín García Basso en la zaga; Facundo Mura, Bruno Zuculini, Gabriel Rojas, Agustín Almendra and Juan Fernando Quintero en la mitad de cancha; and Roger Martínez and Maximiliano Salas como delanteros.

Formación de Talleres (RE) hoy

While participating, Martín Rolón sold the feud with a strategy 4-5-1, with the portero Damian Tello; Fernando Duré, Luciano Sánchez, Nicolás Malvacio, Patricio Romero in defense; Norberto Palmieri, Tomás Asprea, Alejandro Benítez, Fernando Enrique and Agustín Campana in the centro del campo; and Nicolás Molina in the delantera.

BBC-NEWS-SRC:, IMPORT DATE: 03-05-2024 00:15:02