You can use the ‘request and download’ button for Predial 2024

The Secretaría Distrital de Hacienda -SDH- has a button for downloading and using contributions that can fulfill the obligation to manage on the entity’s page

To access the facts of the download button, the data ‘Predial’ can be put on the input tip, the tipo number and the number of the title document, select the digital data of CHIP, select and accept the validation of the secure captcha the politics of data trading.

If you click on ‘Buscar’ you will be given the option to download the facts, which you want to show to vent the authoritarian financial entities to recover or make a phone call to make your virtual formal transaction.

In Bogotá, 2,817,536 bounties earned from this tribute have been paid, meaning it costs more than $4.4 billion in recaudo pesos.

It is important that you realize the task with a voluntary additional gate to get back mayors destined for greater security.

All the services that the Hacienda Department Secretariat offers for free, because you want to leave the city and use the official channels of attention to resolve your agitation and receive the virtual presentation orientation

Discover that on June 14 you will be in the square to realize the Pago del Impuesto Predial 2024

Conoce is the pass needed to download and start the 2024 predial:

As a follow-up to a post from the Hacienda Secretariat in