Atentos: This is the photo and the square in Bogotá for the four days on May 3, 2024

El Pico and Placa are such that car circulation is reduced and contamination in Bogotá is reduced (Infobae)

The Secretariat of the Mobility Service of Bogotá informs about the application of Pico y Placa para hoy 3 de mayo en la ciudad colombiana. Here are the details of this vehicle restriction and multi-vehicle elimination program.

The book notes the end of the parking lot, the tip of the vehicle that has the duration of the day, to avoid any consequences.

The program is so reduced that the circulation of cars is reduced, and the program is integral to the disappearance of the traffic vehicle, as well as all other levels of environmental pollution in the city.

The Pico en Placa had been practiced in Bogotá since 1998, but it increasingly became a feature of the decade. This is the calendar with restrictions for these four days, starting from the Caldía de Bogotá.

More from 20 years ago: Todos.

Maximum loading amount. superior a 3,500kg: Todos.

Maximum loading amount. superior a 8,500kg: Todos.

Motorcycles: No application.

Particularities: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0.

Special transport service: 5 and 6.

Taxis: 5 and 6.

Public transport Colectivo: No application.

The horario del Pico en Placa starts at 5:30 am for taxis and special transport, but the car parts may start at 6:00 am. The vehicle restriction ends at 9:00 PM.

If you are participating in the vehicle restrictions, the vehicle restrictions are from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM and then from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Hay-formas de evitar el Pico y Placa. (Colprensa)

The application of the restriction program for vehicles such as Pico and Placa is different from the end of the year 2023 in the country’s city.

The particulars of vehicles cannot be divided in a few points, from the end point of your place, as a number of consecutive, is the first group that conforms to all motorists with the very last digital digits in the place sea 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 and the second group is ready at 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0.

Now, the car parts are connected to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 without circular. It is often the case that the last phase of 6, 7, 8, 9 or 0 no longer passes through the slides.

El horario del Pico en Plaça Seguirá see the mismo for vehicle details: from 6:00 am to 9:00 pmde lunes a viernes, an exception to the fines of semanas and días festivos.

Las nuevas medidas del Pico y Placa. (Infobae)

In the case of loose taxis and special transport vehiclesthe ban on vehicles is defined as a group of groups: 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 0. The restriction for this vehicle tip is always important, because it is important mantenerse update.

And tanto, let go freight vehicles no circular on the horas of the ban on Pico and Placa, only on the beach, can stop the peso and transport.

A difference between the specifics of cars, in taxis, is the special transport service and the limitation of vehicles that have a four-month application.

The program application Pico and Placa are different types of slides. (Alcaldia de Bogotá)

Several cars do not have any impact on the Pico en Placa, informed the Secretariat of the Mobility Secretary of Bogotá.

Look at electric cars, hybrids, heavy emissions, motorcycles, diplomas, funerals, emergencies and safety, the transport of people with disabilities, loss of control of traffic and grúas, the medium communications, the judicial authorities, escolar transport, the destination of the automotive industry and the fact that they can appeal to more people from the beginning and end of the journey.

Since your vehicle benefits from the exception, it is intended that there will be no impact on the circulation in the Pico and the square, before registering in front of the Secretariat of the Movilidad de Bogotá.

If your car is not on the exception list, the entire cycle in Bogotá may offer the opportunity to apply llamas Pico and Plaça Solidarioif the choice of the conductors of the elite music is allowed, these periods of circular freedom for civil society are an economic economic program, their destiny is to increase the integrated system of public transport in the Colombian city.

Limitation of traditional vehicles, in Bogotá is a lake lamado Pico y Placa RegionalIt is the last time that all the festive festivities will be applied in the new corredores in the Colombian city.

The restriction for vehicles terminating at certain places will last from 12:00 noon and will last until 4:00 pm. It may be that the cars are in the places where the ban starts at 4:00 PM and ends at 8:00 PM.

There are now new corredores in Bogotá that apply to Pico and Placa Regional:

Pico y placa regional: (Illustración: Jovani Pérez/Infobae)

Autopista Norte: of the pea Andes has the portal Norte.

Autopista Sur: on the municipal border of Soacha is Avenida Boyacá.

Avenida Centenario (calle 13): the río Bogotá has the avenida Ciudad de Cali (avenida carrera 86).

Avenida Calle 80: at the puente de Guadua you have portal 80.

Avenida Carrera 7: from la calle 245 to la calle 183.

Avenida Boyacá via al Llano: from the túnel Argelino Durán Quintero has the Antigua via Llano.

Via Suba Cota: on the río Bogotá at avenida calle 170.

Via la Calera: of the pea Patios at avenida carrera 7.

Vía a Choachi: the circulating street is accessible via the Monserrate.

Exception vehicles that do not apply to Pico y Placa Regional are ten of the many residents, the personal medical care, and no longer with Pico and Placa Solidario.

In the case of the violin on the Pico and the Plaça on the latest version, the authorities of the Colombian city can deal with a system of economic sanctions.

The 2023 duration has increased to 522,900 pesos colombianosinhale the car, if you use the national code of Tránsito for the offense C.14.