Zaragoza simply dominates the Día Mundial del Comercio with a spot on the Plaza del Pilar. Notification. Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza

Zaragoza is the place where the celebration of the World Day of Trade is simply celebrated with a long time in the Plaza del Pilar, on the Spanish Fuente, in the fact that the puestos de venta de productos, expositions, degustaciones, activities, longer y food truck.

With the ‘comercio justo le sienta bien a todo el mondo’, this is an initiative of the collaboration between the Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza and the Federación Aragonesa de Solidaridad (FAS), and the compromise of the capital of Aragonese, that is the año 2017 the international title of the trading city of Justo was awarded and formed part of the international red.

By making this distinction, the government seeks to strengthen the economy and increase its potential in the city as a transversal herramiente to destroy power, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

The participants of the opera activities in Zaragoza, entre ellas, figures Kumara, Proyde, Oxfam Intermón, Proclade, Isabel Martín, Vicente Ferrer, Caritas and Medicusmundi, who promote young people, is this type of business with the aim of informing civil aviation .

Trade increasingly facilitates the country’s small production products through direct access to the market and equal conditions, creating a sustainable trade channel, solidarity and quality, providing more direct opportunities for products and consumers.

This commercial model is at the center of the human being and the social, economic and environmental character of the work, the respect for the mediocre environment and the promotion of responsible and sustainable management of natural resources.

Según el ultimo informe de la Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo correspondient a 2022, the ventas de Comercio Justo in España no han dejado de crecer asde año 2000, alcanzando in 2022 a fact of more than 146 million euros, and its mayor grateful food products.

Textile products increase by a million euros, but most of the cash flows.


From 10:30 to 20:30 HORAS 10:30 Inauguration official.

10:45 Degustación from Café de Comercio Justo.

11:00 and 12:00 – Espectáculo de magia “Gusta la magia justa” with the magician Sergio Cisneros.

12:00 to 13:00 – Larger “Reutilización Textil” with medical care.

12:00 and 12:30 – Larger UNO “Crea tu chapa” with medicusmundi. 12:30 and 13:00 – Larger DOS “Crea tu chapa” with medicusmundi.

12:00 and 12:30 – Taller UNO “Ludoteca de Comercio Justo” with medicusmundi.

12:30 and 13:00 – Taller DOS “Ludoteca de Comercio Justo” with medical care.

1:00 PM and 2:00 PM – Juego del Paracaídas con Proyde. 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM – Larger “Huella ecológica” with proclade.

1:00 PM and 2:00 PM – Larger “Pinta tu bolsa de tela” with Isabel Martín.

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM – Larger “Bailes latinos”. RESERVA AQUÍ TU PLAZA.


5:00 PM and 6:00 PM – Espectáculo

PROGRAM MACIÓN DOMINGO 12 MAYO DE 2024 of magia “Gusta la magia justa” with the magician Sergio Cisneros.

6:00 PM Juego de la oca with Proyde.

6:00 PM Larger “Pintura piedras” with Vicente Ferrer. 6:00 PM Larger “Marionetas recicladas” with Vicente Ferrer.

6:00 PM Greater “Bailes latinos”.

19:00 Entrega premios concurso de dibujo Comercio Justo.

19:05 Actuación grupo de Baile moderno La Salle Montemolín, Estudio 12. 19:30 Actuación Batucada de la Fundación ADISLAF. 8:30 PM

Cierre de puestos en clausura.