Brigadista of Karen Quiroga, candidate for the PRD, serves the interior of the Central Abastos

Brigadista of Karen Quiroga is agredida in Central de Abastos de Iztapalapa (Infobae)

Karen Quiroga, prospective commissioner of the Caldía de Iztapalapa bajo el estandarte de la alianza ‘Look at the CDMX’we feel that we are describing the political violence of the general struggle with our partners in the campaign.

With our statements, the incident is discovered more recently in recent years, while individuals with the Fideicomiso of la Central de Abastos With the intention of sabotaging and removing the material publicity of your movement, you must pay attention to the electoral process and curso.

Alternatively, documented in a video, several activists of the Quiroga campaign face visible damage, receiving insults and defending promotional materials Hey 6one of the main arteries of the zone.

This provides a point of criticism for the electoral contest, which can alleviate the tensions that can arise on the margins of politics.

Karen Quiroga Anguiano has a political record of more than 20 years in the PRD. (Karen Quiroga Anguiano/Facebook).

“It is not only an attack against the new coalition, an attack against democracy and blatant political violence,” Quiroga Anguiano said.

The indictment against Quiroga has no evidence of the atropello against his campaign, without claiming and securing a just environment for the democratic outbreak, even though Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) como al gobierno de la Ciudad de México to intervene effectively.

“Exigimos al Gobierno de la Ciudad de México en al fideicomiso de la Central de Abastos que se mantengan al margins del electoral and permitan that dodos los ciudadanos puedan a new propuestas sin miedo a represalias”.

The candidate for the presidency assumes that the enquestas (Cuartoscuro)

The representation of ‘Look at the CDMX’Integrated by various political parties, it has energized all acts of violence and played a role in the authorization relevant to provide the necessary means to make free, equal and transparent choices.

“It is necessary that there are concrete actions to guarantee that the choices are a smooth way of life and that the free expression is a guaranteed guarantee for all participants,” says the candidate for the Iztapalapa allocation.

This event arises from a context in which the electoral integration process is fundamental to democracy, and attention must be paid to the fight against our current campaigns and agreements.

What is indisputable is that the incident is secondary to the importance of reforming the guarantees for all participants in this democratic democratic action, which could lead to reprisals or agreements.