Availability of reserves and cupos for educational activities

Inform the delegation members that during the long term they have completed the headings and have reserved June for guided tours of the Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaíso. If there is an embargo, more space will be available to enroll in the escolar program ‘Ciencia más allá del aula’.

Estimates/of professors and encargados/as de delegations escolares:

No information about what you say department of education There are many cupos for the visit to the permanent exhibition “Biodiversidad in the region of Valparaíso” during the May and June months. Because there is an embargo, reserves are available to visit for part of July. For advice and reservations, please contact Andrea Vivar Morales: [email protected]

If you are interested in participating in activities, you will be given the opportunity to reserve the program “Ciencia más allá del auditorium”which is a cabo in the sala MuseoLab-Aprendizaje. This program aims to promote innovative knowledge in the field of science and practical practical activities in the informal educational world. By supplementing the traditional education system with the promotion of scientifically stimulated activities, it may also stimulate the development of basic habilitation activities such as communication and cooperation.

During the May and June months, more and more reserves are available for larger people “Salud Humana: financial nutrition and mental”, dirigido a estudiantes de 7° en 8°. The attention horarios are between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM from March to 11:00 AM. For more information and to make reservations, please contact the electronic correo: [email protected]

Además, our gustaría informs you about it access to the permanent exhibition of the museums for groups and general visitors is open and free, it is necessary that you book in advance. The reserves are specifically intended for concrete activities or reporting. It is not true that professors or delegates visiting the free museum consider suggestions for visiting or using the archive document.

We invite you to visit all the escolar communities and the public in general at the Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaíso, located at calle Condell 1546, Valparaíso. The museum is open from four o’clock from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm and from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, with free admission.