Genesis P-Orridge tribute ft. mems Psychic TV, Bauhaus, Bush Tetras and more happening in Brooklyn

He/she is still her/e – The Official Genesis P-Orridge Doc, David Charles Rodrigues‘ documentary about the late Genesis P-Orridgewill have its world premiere at the 2024 Tribeca Festival, and to celebrate, members of Psychic television and several special guests will pay tribute to the artist at a show in Brooklyn June 8 at Babies All Right. It’s part of the festival’s Music Lounge and is joined by Alice Genese, Jeff Berner, Douglas Rushkoff and Randy Schrager BauhausDavid J, Bush tetrasCynthia Sley, CHRISTEENE, Shilpa Ray, Tori Wolf, Time Wharp And John Jackson.

Sam Zimmerman will provide the visuals, and Chris Holmes will be on hand for a PTV acid-house DJ set. Tickets are on sale now.