When looking for a job among Gen Z, parents are involved in finding new jobs 70% of the time

In an effort to find every advantage possible in their job search, Generation Z is turning to the people who have always helped the most: mom and dad. A recent survey of job seekers found that 70% of Gen Zers ask their parents to help them find a job. Of those who find full-time employment, 83% appreciate parental guidance with successful results. Gen Z – people born between 1997 and 2012 – represents 32% of the world’s population and will make up 27% of the workforce next year, according to McKinsey.

Surprisingly, nearly 40% of Gen Zers say a parent accompanied them to an in-person interview. Nearly 30% report that the parent went into the interview with themand two out of 10 times, the parent introduced themselves to the hiring manager.

Hiring Gen Z: a ​​package deal?

One in 10 Gen Z job seekers had their parents complete their HR screening interviews, while one in eight had their parents write their resumes from scratch. Mothers are more helpful and supportive, as 76% of Gen Zers report getting help from their mothers (compared to 45% who receive help from their fathers). Of those attending virtual interviews, 71% report that a parent was present, but off camera, for support. Nearly 30% said the parent was on camera, and if the parent appeared on camera, there was an 85% chance the parent would speak directly to the hiring manager.

Does Gen Z lack opportunity – or confidence?

Brendan Duke, senior director of economic policy at the Center for American Progress, tells CNN: “This is the best economy we’ve ever seen for younger workers that anyone can remember.” Their wages have risen faster than inflation overall, and faster than any other age group, he added.

Last year, the unemployment rate for 16- to 24-year-olds was 7.9% – the lowest since 1953. Compare that figure to 2010, when the unemployment rate for that same age group was an eye-watering 18%.

However, there are multiple pressures Gen Z faces in the workforce – not least inflation, house prices and (wait for it) Instagram-influenced communication skills. Consider this recent TikTok screed representing the anger and economic frustration of Generation Z, which received more than 2 million views and nearly 50,000 comments. The economic picture is not as rosy as the statistics suggest, especially when you look at the numbers.

Frustration is high within every generation, especially when it comes to finding a new opportunity. And what’s wrong with turning to other sources when it’s time to look for a job? After all, many people are turning to AI for resume writing – why not turn to mom and dad for job application advice?

Self-confidence (or lack of confidence) can determine how you show up in the job search process. For Gen Z job seekers, does working with your parents boost or hinder your self-confidence? Are you confident that you can do your job when you are alone? Hiring managers may enjoy meeting your entire team, but they’re hiring you.

Good intentions versus better options when looking for work

There is nothing wrong with going to your parents for guidance and support. However, there is something to be said for self-reliance. In other words, for Gen Z, recognize that you have the power to start the job search conversation. (If not, perhaps a coach can make a difference in your communication skills). A boost or an assist is smart, but is that ‘helping hand’ actually a crutch?

Having worked with thousands of Gen Z clients over the past six months, my experience is not scientific, but experiential. I have seen the misunderstanding that we all suffer from: that we are not capable of doing things alone. Can you relate?

In an age where AI is faster and better and parents have more experience and insight, we tend not to trust ourselves. Why shouldn’t we use all possible means to find a job? Most parents always have your best interests at heart. Despite what the survey says, most parents I know are willing to help 100% of the time.

The real question is: once you get the job, who can you rely on to keep it? The answer is always: yourself.

Realize that you may be more resourceful than you think. (If you’re wondering if I wrote that sentence for Gen Z, or for their parents: the answer is “yes”). We all have the opportunity to do things for the first time (get a job, try sushi, go on a zipline – you get the idea). We all have the ability to deal with uncertainty – even uncertainty during the interview process – although everyone forgets that fact from time to time. Imposter syndrome is not age-related.

Fortunately, this also applies to human ingenuity. Like opposable thumbs, it is a quality that all humans share. It’s just wise to use job search tools. Why not ask your parents for advice? (I wonder about the people who don’t!)

But after you get the job, you’re on your own. For Gen Zers involved in the job search, keep in mind that you may be more capable than you think. There is nothing wrong with an assist if it helps you on your way to independence and impact. But what if Gen Z is more resourceful (and capable) than we realize? Many companies value independent thinking and ingenuity. Bring both qualities to your next job interview, regardless of your birthday, and you’ll be on the right track.