Kyle Rittenhouse Says Native Americans Are ‘Leaving’ the US

The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse continues in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Kyle Rittenhouse becomes emotional as he describes the events leading up to the shooting of Joseph Rosenbaum while testifying during his trial at the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 10, 2021 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. | Source: Pool/Getty

Llisten: It’s no coincidence that Kenosha Killer Kyle Rittenhouse turned out to be a white, conservative sweetheart who fits right in with MAGA America like a custom-made glove. The man who became the poster child for white privilege by killing two people and being acquitted after crying about it is as dense, simple-minded, uneducated, and easily offended by any criticism of America as you need a mascot be for non-Americans. so thinly veiled white nationalists who form the far right. Therefore, it should surprise absolutely no one that Rittenhouse became the full-on colonizer of X by telling Native Americans to “leave” America if they don’t like it here.

From Newsweek:

Rittenhouse made the comment in response to a viral photo posted on X, formerly Twitter, in February. The image shows three people raising their middle fingers at the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.

The South Dakota sculpture features the images of four U.S. presidents – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt – etched into the side of a mountain.

“F*** the USA… IT’S ALL STOLEN LAND,” the photo was captioned. At the time of writing, the post had been viewed more than 75 million times.

On May 19, Rittenhouse added his voice to the conversation: to write in response, “Then go away.”

So Rittenhouse saw a group of people whose ancestors inhabited the land of America before they were nearly wiped out by Caucasian invaders dismissing the similarities of two slave-owning presidents and two presidents who were hailed as progressive but were both demonstrably racist AF.– and it immediately made him very vulnerable. He’s simply not smart enough to immediately realize that Native Americans are the only racial group in America to whom the “go back where you came from” demand cannot actually be applied.

But aside from the fact that a descendant of colonizers has the caucasity to tell the descendants of the colonized to “leave” the land they rightly declared was stolen from them, the truth is that the whole “If you that doesn’t “Like it here and then leave” story isn’t nearly as smart or logical as they think.

First of all, why should we leave? Why would I uproot my entire life and leave the only country I’ve ever known just because I don’t believe America is the “shining city on the hill” that jingoists who think they are patriots have fooled themselves into by thinking that it is so? ? Why wouldn’t I stay and fight for America to become the country I want to see it become? After all, no one is claiming that America is the only country built on theft and oppression, while other marginalized people around the world have their own. powers that be fighting doesn’t change the fact that we are fighting our own battle here.

Second, despite what they would have us believe, Conservatives hate America too.

They hate the US government when it is run by Democratic majorities and/or presidents, and they hate the people who make up a large portion of the US population, including but not limited to Democrats, “leftists”, immigrants, and Black Lives Matter advocates . and/or Black lives in general), Muslims, the LGBTQ community, feminists, critical race theorists, pro-choice advocates, gun regulation advocates, pro-Palestinian protesters, and the rest of the ubiquitous “woke.”

You could say that everyone hates America, but we just hate it for different reasons. Be that as it may, the conservatives’ favorite expression of non-logic means that they too can “leave.”

So you first, Rittenhouse. To leave.


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