Montpellier-Lattes: alcohol vente après 10pm, illegal tobacco, hilarious gas and uncomplicated work

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Encore deux epiceries sont épinglées par le prefet de l’Hérault, a à Montpellier, l’autre à Lattes. Elles font l’objet d’une administrative farm. To be clear, a more epic mountain landscape is a surprise during the sale of protoxide of azote, which is prohibited.

The premiere scene is situated in the quarter of Port Ariane, à Lattes, In the field of national police reports, the secretive work and illegal tobacco smuggling are being played out on the police while the checks are taking place. Sanction: two months of delay in compensating the merchandise until May 1, 2024. And the procedure effort dissimule va être sends the procurator of the République de Montpellier.

The second establishment in the secteur de Saint-Denis, à Montpellier. The passage of the police services for respect of the municipal problem in the quiet public space for a blatant venting of alcohol on April 22, when it is between 10 p.m. and 6 p.m. Result: It’s worth using the September rideau pendant. If the premiere is visible, the operator is a surprise outside the cloud.

The controls are under the rules of Montpellier, by the National Police and the Municipal Police, to operate in the Cévennes area on April 30. Bingo: the chocolates protoxide of azote (gaz hilarant), that is, it is fun in an atmosphere. The product is very dangerous for the santé, it is illegal and the figure on the list of municipal prohibitions. A procedure to create a dress with an epic story.

A tour? comme doit s’interrogator François-Xavier Lauch, the prefet of the Hérault who is a bit quotidienne, is one of the most scrupulous of painters.

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