Trento-six athletes feront partie de l’équipe olympique de réfugiés

On July 26, six athletes of our different compositions will have their final défileront under the olympic drapery for the JO opening ceremony, before the Seine. Our identity comes from the President of the International Olympic Committee (CIO), Thomas Bach, who carried out the attack on the body in Lausanne, Switzerland, for 2 months.

They are men and women who benefit from a large selection of the vast majority of the best athletes a grant for Paris 2024, financed by the CIO, crosses the Olympic Foundation for Refugees and within the framework of the «Olympic Solidarité» program. For receptive individuals, the athletes perform at the highest level and are explored that refugees pay into the accumulator by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR).

Original persons from Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, South Sudan, Iran, Erythrée, Cameroon, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Venezuela and Cuba, the members of these countries accueillis par quinze national Olympic Games committees. We return to Bayeux (Calvados) before the opening of the Olympic village for a pre-entraînement. Judo, cycling, athletics, taekwondo… The members of the team play a role in the many sports individuals. Le CIO reserve for these disciplines des « invitations » for refugee athletes.

Lira also | Item reserved in no way Paris 2024: Dans le Calvados, the promise of a “coup d’état” for the attractiveness with the accueil de délégations sporty étrangères

In 2016, an error was made in the accueil of athletes with refugee status from the Jeux de Rio. In 2015, when the refugee crisis broke out in Syria a year ago, there was talk of a conflict in Syria, Thomas Bach made an announcement to the General Assembly of Nations Unions about the creation of a specific Olympic Games.

These athletes of four could form the premiere of the Jeux de Rio. 29 athletes from our country are active for the Jeux de Tokyo in 2021. Beaucoup is one of the ambassadors and a parole of the cause of the cyclist Masomah Ali Zada. Born in Afghanistan and a member of the Tokyo Olympic Organization of Refugees, this chef is a mission to present mission in Paris. “We are inspired by the sources of inspiration for our future directions that we continue to pay for so that we do not renounce our concerns.” at-elle déclaré jeudi May 2.

For the premiere of this type of figure of an athlete who is not present at an invitation: the boxeuse camerounaise Cindy Ngamba, refugee at Royaume-Uni, and three of the champions of Angleterre, are qualified in the category several the 75 kg for the Olympic To play. Elle constituera d’ailleurs le main espoir de médaille – the premiere – for the refugee team.

Lira also | Item reserved in no way At the plate of “Belem”, Zabih, an Afghan refugee of 25 years, knows that it is no longer that “the place of the mourir”

« An important influence on the CIO »

To ensure that the company’s visibility is guaranteed, the CIO presents a positive image of refugees and sensitizer for the role that sport can play for you. In the last years of the HCR, 108 million people have been forced to fight in the world until the end of 2022, due to persecution, conflict, violence and violations of human rights.

If all goes well, the work of the Olympic Foundation is for the refugees « a permit for 400,000 fair sporting years with a high degree of safety. Plus the 1,600 participants in the sports session organization forms » and these programs « ont soutenu des jeunes dans 11 pays sur les cinq continents », himself the CIO.

Many sports and sporting flights « there is an effect of influence that is very important for the CIO », Explanation Pascal Gillon, specialist in the geographical politics of sport at the University of France-Comté, in Besançon (Doubs).

« Cela dresses like a projector with a problem, which is a failure for people. Il a les moyens financiers donate 70 grants to the payer. The presentation of the presentation, the presentation of the overture ceremony, a piece of equipment and the fact that this dimension is occupied ».


« Paris 2024 »

“Le Monde” decrypts current affairs and the parts of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

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She has been admitted to the CIO of « rest the supreme authority of international sport »for M. Gillon, which is sad “The CIO is available because ONU has developed a sports agency as a health care agency.”

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« All the ingredients can be found in one episode of the long history of the Olympic boycotts »

Thomas Bach, Chairman of the CIO: «The great Russian government debate for the day and the day, against the Committee, against the Jeux, against moi »

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The government is a distributor of free batons over the persons in a handicap situation

The organization’s committee insures bouclé plus 90% of the budget for these receipts

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  • La Seine-Saint-Denis and les Jeux

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Le center aquatique olympique, an XXL swimming pool in the Seine-Saint-Denis

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  • Les enjeux environnementaux

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Le Monde

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