Les Sables-d’Olonne: two new commercial installations à la Promenades océanes gallery

Voir mon actu

Les enseignes Phone money and The Barber Company extracted property from new locations, in the commercial gallery Promenades Oceanes, Avenue de Talmont aux Sables-d’Olonne.

The premiere specializes in the repair, the reconditioning is the recovery and ventilation of portable telephones.

Suggest a second for a moment of relaxation for the men, with the sons for the cheveux and the barbecue.

Two million visitors

Ces deux nouvelles boutiques s’ajotent aux 25 other déjà existences: prêt-à-porter, mode, restoration… A croissance dans all domains of activities on the site, go to the society Advantail, a puisqu’un pôle santé, with a laboratory for analyzes and a medical cabinet, enjoy déjà vu le day nl 2023.

It’s over, it’s over two million visitors going to the commercial gallery.

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