The province has put together education packages for 12 social-educational and community centers

The Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, is a young entrepreneur who offers educational packages to reform the re-imagining of the pedagogical skills of the 12 socio-educational and community centers (CSC) of Moreno. As Director General of Cultura y Educación, Alberto Sileoni; and the local intention, Mariel Fernández.

With this marco, Kicillof has decided that “due to the discouragement of the economy that stimulates the national Gobierno movement, the prices of the economies, the mochilas and the surveillance funds will increase a lot”. “The distribution of educational packages is often a matter of , if it is described with the merchandise of the preparations, understand that you can buy the bolsillos de todas and all the Argentinian shares”, so.

A large group distributes sets of portable and didactic materials; bibliotecas with collections of identity documents and sexual integrated education (ESI); mochilas and guardapolvos. The province has distinguished 196 CSC in popular neighborhoods, with the aim of reforming the educational institutions of niños, niñas and young people between 4 and 21 years old.

The governor has penned the multimedia grip of the Social-Educational Center and Community Community (CSCM), which is increasingly in trouble as of March 26. All these stories and most of the content are told through the equipment and form of receiving material for sound, music, technology and audiovisual production.

“Estos espacios son importantes porque acercan a los barrios populares los recursos and las inversionesque les permiten los pibes and las pibas desplegar todo su talento and poner en palabras todo lo que piensan”, resaltó the Gobernador y explicó: “It is verdad que hace If there much is sacrificed and sacrificed, it may be that an Estado guarantees the chances of everything possible”.

By his part, the intention of Fernández señaló: “This program offers new caminos, it is now possible to estimate the car and leave the youth of the neighborhoods who embark on their cultural projects”. “One of the chicos and chicas receives a great compromise in the political field that now offers more opportunities,” agreed.

This is a decision that will be permanent on June 27, one of 16 CSCM that the province will put in place in the district to promote digital literacy; the practice of artistic lenguajes; and the development of science and technology. Al día de hoy participates in more than 500 chicos and chicas of Lanús, Quilmes, Moreno, La Plata and Bahía Blanca.

“Cada uno de los pibes y las pibas que pasan por estos centros viven un experiencia experiencia que power sus cualidades artists and cultures: it is one of the things that will happen in the future”, so Sileoni and agregó: “Estamos en frente de quienes creen en la philosofía del individualisme: in the province, public education is promoted and made possible to think, and it is one of the greatest goals for everyone”.

Asimismo, Kicillof and the Minister of Ambiente, Daniela Vilar, entrepreneur in the municipality to manage residual flows: a car lift, a mini cargadora, an industrial balance and an urbanization. We offer a partnership agreement for the value of green and public initiatives to promote restoration, renewal and healthy participation in the environment.

Ultimately, Kicillof confirmed, “A report from the municipalities in the province is an educational community that understands that education is one of those schools.” “As we follow our journey, this is the mission that will bring us even more people: along with the good things and the answers that are needed,” concludes.

Estuvieron presents the Minister of Trabajo, Walter Correa; the Jefe de Gabinete de la Dirección General de Cultura y Educación (DGCyE), Pablo Urquiza; the Subsecretariat of the Organización Comunitaria del Ministerio de Desarrollo de la Comunidad, Santiago Fidanza; the Subsecretariat of Residuos Sólidos Urbanos y Economía Circular, Jackie Flores; the DGCyE’s Deputy Director of Educational Experiences in Popular Neighborhoods, Patricia Beggeres; el intentente de Merlo, Gustavo Menéndez; the provincial director of education, Patricia Redondo; la secretaria local de Deportes, Cultura y Educación, Cintia Muñoz; la concejala Karina Menéndez; the divine conductor María Reigada; and the conductor Leonardo Grosso.