Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Campaign hires former GOP spokesman

In a move that is sparking controversy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign has enlisted the help of Zach Henry, a former top spokesman known for his far-right political leanings and inflammatory comments about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Henry’s firm, Total Virality, was hired in March for “influencer engagement” according to campaign finance records, shortly after his previous candidate, Republican Vivek Ramaswamy, withdrew from the presidential race.

Henry, known for his provocative social media presence, has previously described the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot as a “deception of Democrats” and discredited the House committee’s investigation into the event as a “witch hunt on patriots’.

His views are consistent with fringe theories that attribute the riot to left-wing agitators rather than supporters of former President Donald Trump.

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This hiring decision comes at a time when Kennedy’s campaign is struggling to attract seasoned political strategists from mainstream parties, making Henry’s recruitment an important, if controversial, asset.

The campaign’s choice has raised eyebrows, given Henry’s history of controversial statements and his strong positions on issues like vaccine mandates and his support for figures like conspiracy broadcaster Alex Jones.

Kennedy’s campaign has faced several challenges recently, particularly related to off-reporting incidents involving new hires.

Earlier this month, a campaign fundraising email sympathized with the Jan. 6 defendants, claiming they had been “stripped of their constitutional freedoms.”

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The campaign later stated that the email was sent in error by a marketing contractor.

Kennedy himself has expressed some controversial views about the events of January 6.

He has criticized the harsh treatment of suspects, suggested pardoning some and proposing the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate their treatment.

These statements, along with his decision to hire Henry, are fueling attacks from both political parties, all concerned that Kennedy’s candidacy could draw votes away from their candidates.

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Democrats in particular have been vocal in their criticism, portraying Kennedy as a potential spoiler in the upcoming elections, who could indirectly help Trump by splitting the vote.

Meanwhile, Trump and his supporters have sought to portray Kennedy as a radical environmentalist, distancing him from the populist conspiracy theories that both have been associated with in the past.

Kennedy’s campaign also recently fired a New York-based Republican consultant after she was caught on video suggesting that stopping President Joe Biden was a shared priority for Republican voters considering Kennedy.

Henry’s role in the campaign appears to be part of a broader strategy to use online influencers, a tactic he used effectively during his tenure with Ramaswamy.

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This approach joins a growing trend among conservatives who prioritize online engagement and provocative media stunts aimed at challenging mainstream discourse.

As the race for the presidency heats up, Kennedy’s campaign continues to deal with the complexities of appealing to a broad electorate while managing the fallout from unconventional personnel choices.

While risky, this strategy underlines the campaign’s commitment to tapping into a network of younger, digitally savvy conservative activists who are reshaping the dynamics of political communication.

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