Lyons-la-Forêt: four ideas for flights in May

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Durant is mois de May 2024plusieurs activities and animations are proposed Lyon-la-Forêt (Eure).

The opportunity to discover the village, classé parmi les plus beaux de France, the flâner dans ses rues, découvrir les lieux emblematiques comme la salle de baillage don les walls sont tapessés d’une tenture en fleurs de lys datant du XVIIIe siècle U can add an encore to the installation of a suite during a film tour Claude Chabrol Mrs. Bovary.

Samedi May 4, 2024

Découverte du verger conservatory et dégustation

Serge Hellot is a member of his son's conservatory and does not talk about his passion during the weekend in Lyons-la-Forêt.
Serge Hellot realized on May 4, 2024 a demonstration of the waist of the visit to the Lyons-la-Forêt Conservatory. ©L’Impartial – archive.

L’Office de Tourisme Lyons Andelle organizes a visit to the Lyons-la-Forêt Conservatory on May 4, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Serge Hellot, the Pomological Society of Normandy, was counsel. I got a demonstration of the waistline of fruitier fruits.

Inauguré in October 2018, Le Verger Conservatory, located on the Côté du Center de Secours des Pompiers.

Missing a work by the municipality, applied by Serge Hellot, the battery is subject to maintenance for the environment of 150 trees: pruners, poiriers and pommiers.

It is not difficult to grab several varieties of plums, plums and a centaine of pommes that are in the green.

Visit the end of a product tasting of the pomme and the poire.

Videos: a moment on Actu

Adult rate: €8 / 10-17 years: €6 / – for 10 years and accompanying persons of persons and situations of disability: free. Info and answers: 02 32 49 31 65 – (email protected)

Dimanche May 5

Balade des ânes en forêt

Les ânes and stroll in the forest of Lyon. Meeting at 2:30 PM with the Equi Libre Bord Seine association.

Venez takes advantage of the shade of the plus high heat of France and spends a pleasant moment for a 1h30 stroll on the shield of the »Bocle du Gros Chêne» in the forest of Lyon.

The company of Bilbo, Koquin, Rapide and Topaze, which shows plus small profits in the square without fatigue, an animateur of the association Cardere is a découvrir with a great wealth of biodiversity, which has varied a remarkable fauna and a flourishing world.

Rens. : 06 88 78 53 05. Free entertainment upon reservation online via the site:

You are 9 on May 12

Paintings in the room

Les peintres de l'Atelier des Andelys, emmenés by Véronique Carpentier, exhibits their œuvres du jeudi 9 au dimanche May 12, 2024 in Lyons-la-Forêt.
Les peintres de l’Atelier des Andelys, emmenés by Véronique Carpentier, exhibits their œuvres du jeudi 9 au dimanche May 12, 2024 in Lyons-la-Forêt. ©Véronique Carpentier

Les peintres de l’Atelier des Andelys (APA) renew their annual exhibition of paintings in the hall of Lyon-la-Forêt during the Ascension weekend.

From May 9 to 12, the public will admire the great oeuvres of the themes with the fleurs and the embarkations of different types (navires, barkies, peniches).

The public is given a realistic view of the quinzaine of the studio’s paintings.

This exhibition is an opportunity to (re)discover the talent of amateurs, who will see the painting of Véronique Carpentier, the lundis and jeudis, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the House of the Associations of Andelys.

Exhibition of paintings in the grenier of the hall of Lyons-la-Forêt, from May 9 to 12, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (6 p.m.). Entrance free.

Samedi May 11

Jeu de piste à l’arboretum

L'Office national des forêts organizes a grand jeu de piste, on March 19 and Saturday, March 23, 2022 at the departure of the arboretum of Lyons-la-Forêt (Eure).
L’Office de Tourisme Lyons Andelle organizes a jeu de piste à la découverte des essences de l’arboretum de Lyons-la-Forêt (Eure) on May 11, 2024. ©L’Impartial – archive

On May 11, L’Office de Tourisme Lyons Andelle organizes a jeu de piste à la découverte des essences de l’arboretum de Lyons-la-Forêt.

In the conclusion of the only, the participants, venus and famille pour out the arboretum that gathers a centaine of particular arbres in the world. The slope is accessible to children aged 6 years.

Rates: adults €5, 10-17 years and disabled person €4, Moins de 10 years and assistance from disabled person free. Make a reservation. au 02 32 49 31 65 ou (email protected)

Adult rate: €8 / 10-17 years: €6 / – for 10 years and accompanying persons of persons and situations of disability: free. Info and answers: 02 32 49 31 65 – (email protected)

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