The juego del gato and the ratón between viento and arena

“Jesus, estoy fundido”. The confession of Abel Antón, two camps of the marathon world with 61 tacos, the cuerpo and the corazón de los purasangres are serveddescribe the meta- and funerary monuments at a distance of 100 km from the twenty-fifth floor of the Titan Desert Marruecos. La mítica jornada de las dunas. The desire for pure. The arena, slopes and navigation. A bestialidad that loses all the emotions they enter in the meta.

Antón, registered at the Aural Team con The goal of a partner is to search meta Silvia González, incurable care, you can have the desire. Yes, descarnada. hostile. Peligrosa si no se fronta con respeto… y mucha agua, porque the higher temperatures are 35 degrees in most cases. The entrance, 50 km further along the track. Como hasta ahora. The trajectory is a trajectory that promotes the organization and that you follow your GPS trajectory. Todavia con cierto ‘fresquito’ go to the dunes of Erg Chebbi. A cake, Claro. Remontando la arena con las bicis mientras alguna caravana de camellos pasa a tu alrededor. A cinco kilometer per pie. Moment of photos. The congratulation before the victory on the slopes that no saber could offer, on the front of Argelia, is always the same.

El Aural Team makes a cake for the dunas.@Joseleeuwfoto

Pero los ultimos 50 km tocaba navegar. The organization of some mandatory points (waypoints) and the localization of the control points, the hidratación locations and the way they can live. Difficult. If the company arrives firmly, it is impossible to do this. Just as Carlos, the Aural Team, goes on his path with various Titans, we get to work with the experts.

It is the juego del gato and the ratón. Ruedas en grupos y, de repente, on a crusade, share one of the directions. ¿Cuál tomas? Is it a fact that you have to make an attack? ¿Confidence that your number is not bad? Do you encounter more kilometers? A drama that will be resolved with certainty. With a lot of tension. Con paradas paradiscutir por donde ir. If you are one of the Piedras countries, an army of the nada is born, which you can send through a transmitter and carry out an empalization to gain a point of control. Y resoplas. And the group, Silvia viene con el estómago tocado. It is a day that is not ambiguous.

It is easy to ride on the tram pass. Finally, the 10 km finals by bancadas de arena barridas por un fuerte viento that the arena goes to the car and not deja far the banderolas del campamento and the meta. “Estoy fundido, Jesús”…. Y yo más. It’s a day.

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