Ceci Flores exploits against AMLO and Martí Batres ensures that the ‘crematorium’ is buried: “Que Dios los perdone”

The mother of Ceci Flores reviró contra Martí Batre and the Presidente López Obrador to secure the hall of an existing clandestine crematorium. Credit: Cuartoscuro

Ceci Floresactivist and fundadora of the organization of buscadoras de Sonora, reviró against the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the jefe de Gobierno, Martí Batresbecause the federal mandate says it is a “peón” and the charge against the human remains is “a mountain.”

The activist critic that the president has chosen for the members of the buscadoras, the president López Obrador “ze nota la apatía” and blames him throughout his administration There are no reviews of the buscadoras of the madres, because Dios did it right.

“Cada vez que habla de para decir algo de las madres buscadoras, se le nota la apatía, la burocracia, la impunidad con la que the theme is no longer possible for 6 years (…). It’s a bad time when the president is busy Dios lo perdone, porque las madres a las que nos ha quedado de very, no lo podemos perdonar”, make sure you are an entrepreneur with Azucena Uresti in Grupo Formula.

As mentioned, the president did not say in a similar situation that the madres and the padres buscadoras lived who were a reporter of an unknown despair: “Solamente espero que lo alcance el karma porque tiene hijos y no son santos”, dijo.

With respect to the indictment against Ceci Flores that appeared during the electoral period, It’s not that the mothers are manipulative by algún political party, y apologies for your reunion with Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz, presidential candidates, because other candidates are not aware of their apoyo’s demonstrations.

“You don’t have a soy policy, but I have a reunion with Xóchitl, no idea what the sea policy is. You are not to blame for not having a buscado and that Claudia Sheinbaumni siquiera nos toma en cuenta y que se lleve vociferando contra nosotros and that other candidates have been recovered which consist of desaparecidos, menos hérfanosSome women who engage in tamponing the disease ensure that no soy is guilty of running for president of the bus drivers theme,” the periodical said.

By the fuerte movement for the parts of the General Tax Administration in the Ciudad de México, the Secretaría de Seguridad and the Guardia Nacional on the borders between Iztapalapa and Tláhuac, and several hours of diligence to map the area and provide evidence, If you notice the rest of the human location.

With respect, Ceci Flores knows that the judgment is analyzed that it is an embargo, that the money is withdrawn by the security elements, because it conococrates the parade of this material, while it is the best way to avoid a desparecidas persona become .