A sonic journey into ‘Nostalgia’ with Alex O’Rion

Alex O’Rion is a Dutch progressive house artist, known for his music on record labels such as Guy J’s Lost & Found, Hernan Cattaneo’s SUDBEAT and several songs on compilations by iconic brands such as Global Underground.

Photo credit: Alex O’Rion – Official

‘Nostalgia’ is Alex O’Rion’s new album, inspired by classical music with a timeless sound. The album combines different musical styles, combining grooves, organic elements and progressive melodies into a soulful journey full of deep emotions. The album is available now via Alex O’Rion’s record label, Solis Records. Stream and download here.

To get a better insight into this new release, and to get a sneak peek at his other upcoming projects and efforts, we invited Alex for an extensive interview. This will give us the opportunity to delve into the creative process behind his work and understand the inspiration and effort that goes into creating such impactful projects.

Ex: Hello, Alex! Welcome to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. How have you been? What have you done?

Alex O’Rion: Hi! Thanks for letting me be here. I’m fine, thanks for asking. Lately I’ve been completely focused on the creative process, finishing my upcoming album ‘Nostalgia’. It has been quite a journey I must say.

EG: First of all, congratulations on the upcoming release of your new studio LP, ‘Nostalgia’! You must be very excited to share your latest record with everyone. How has the initial reception been so far? What are some of your first feelings?

Alex O’Rion: Yes, I’m really excited to finally share it with everyone, and the reception has been great. I received so many nice messages from people saying that they had not been looking forward to an album like this for years, which is of course so wonderful and heartwarming to read. While my previous music was pretty much aimed at the dance floor, this album is really for my listeners when they are at home or on the road. Just like when I make music for my DJ sets, I now tried to capture that moment and strive to make music that fits that setting.

EG: How did ‘Nostalgia’ come about? What now drove you to create this 14-track record?

Alex O’Rion: At that time I was releasing so many songs and was mainly focused on club nights and festivals. I often felt like I was turning into a machine, which can have its benefits, but after a while I started to long for something else. When you want to create songs that move a large audience, you tend to focus on certain aspects of the production process, which can inadvertently stifle creativity. I really felt the need to break out of this cycle and reset myself creatively.

I wanted to approach music making with a more open mind, giving me the freedom to explore new sounds and ideas without the limitations of what is expected from the dance floor. I have to say it was incredibly liberating to experiment in this more unlimited creative space. New ideas and songs came out quickly and I felt great, I was really flying. So then the idea of ​​making an album quickly came to mind.

EG: And what’s the story behind ‘Nostalgia’? Is there a concept or common thread that connects these works? What is ‘nostalgia’ to you?

Alex O’Rion: As I get older, I often find myself longing for the past, especially when it comes to music. I think we’ve lost some soul in our music over the years and I wanted to revisit that feeling. I really tried to capture that feeling and bring it out in most of the songs.

“This album is really for my listeners when they are at home or on the road”

EG: What was the process of recording the LP? How long was ‘Nostalgia’ in the making? How has the process changed you?

Alex O’Rion: I started working on the album at the end of 2022 and dedicated myself to it every day. While I found the process liberating, being immersed in 14 projects at the same time was undoubtedly stressful at times. However, the satisfaction of finally finishing the album outweighs the challenges encountered along the way.

EG: What would you like listeners to take away from ‘Nostalgia’? What do you think is the ideal setting to listen to it?

Alex O’Rion: I prefer not to think about what listeners need to remember ‘Nostalgia.’ Once the music is released, my role is complete and open to interpretation by any listener. Whether it lifts someone up in a low moment or sets the mood before they go out, I appreciate every connection they make with the music. There’s no manual for how music should influence people, and I think that’s the beauty of it.

EG: And ‘Nostalgia’ will be released via your newly founded Solis label. What else can we expect from Solis in the coming months? Is there anything you can expect in that regard?

Alex O’Rion: We have already signed so many fantastic songs for the coming months. I really enjoy running the label, and I’m so happy that producers seem to really specifically select songs that they think suit the label. I think the label has developed a clear identity and I hope it will positively inspire other producers.

When I started the label I made a promise to myself to try to maintain the same level of quality and integrity that I have always tried to uphold, to avoid fillers but only go for the special ones. If we don’t find songs that meet our standards, we are willing to pause our release schedule until we find the right songs. Thanks to the great producers we’ve had on the label, we’ve been able to avoid these breaks, and the future looks promising.

EG: Let’s leave the studio for a moment… What are your thoughts on the current state of the music scene? Are these giant LED screens taking too much away from the music? What is your opinion on the use of AI? Was any AI used in ‘Nostalgia’?

Alex O’Rion: I don’t really care about those things. For me, when I perform, it’s about connecting my music with the people on the dance floor and making sure they have the best night possible. If giant LED screens can help with this, then bring them on!

“There is no manual for how music should influence people, and I think that’s the beauty of it”

EG: Finally, can you provide some insights into what’s next for Alex O’Rion? What can we expect from you in the coming months?

Alex O’Rion: After a period of more intimate music projects, I’m going to shift my focus a bit and try to get those bangers out again. Back in machine mode!

EG: Thank you very much for your time, Alex! We wish you all the best for the future. See you on the dance floor!

Alex O’Rion: Yes, thanks so much for chatting! It was nice to reflect and look ahead with you.

Alex O’Rion’s ‘Nostalgia’ is available now via Solis Records. Stream and download here.

Follow Alex O’Rion: Spotify | Sound cloud | Instagram | Facebook