Minnesota Congressman Calls New GREET Model a ‘Top-Down, Heavy-Handed Approach’


Minnesota Congressman Calls New GREET Model a “Top-Down, Heavy-Handed Approach”

A Republican member of the House Agriculture Committee called the updated guidelines for tax credits for sustainable jet fuel heavy-handed.

Brad Finstad of Minnesota says the devil is in the details with the new GREET model.

“The devil is everywhere in those details. In order for a corn crop to be used as sustainable aviation fuel, it will have to come from a farmer who does no tillage and covers crops. I mean, you’re going to impose practices on farmers that are even ecologically deteriorating in some areas.”

The fourth-generation farmer says what works on his farm won’t work on a farm twenty miles away.

“Let alone 200 or 2,000 miles away from me. So this heavy-handed, top-down approach to all these environmental responses just doesn’t make sense.”

For corn ethanol in jet fuel, the $40 billion tax credit, which expires at the end of the year, requires feedstocks to be produced only on no-till acres with cover crops using only enhanced efficiency fertilizers.

Finstad made these comments at the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasters Washington Watch in Washington, DC