Magaly Medina ignores Melissa Paredes and does not answer: “Que haga su colita”

Magaly Medina did not respond to Melissa Paredes.

Magaly Medina if you are in Arequipa, celebrando de cumpleaños of your esposo Alfredo Zambrano. The Peruvian conductor has no program in his life, because many people from the world want to hear their commentary with the conoccers, while other people have no preference for the hours of the ‘Urraca’.

It is the case that recently the periodist critic Melissa Paredes, where you can view most of the details about preparing your boda with Anthony Aranda. While the ATV figures allow the model to make ‘candies’ for the celebration and also for other guests.

Includes research equipment with one of the lugares Huachipa and the exchica reality has a lamado at a local spot for the celebration. During a conversation with a person you record, it is revealed that Paredes gave his advice.

“If there is no comment on the fact that this is being evaluated, it will become reality. There are many offers in the first lugar as ‘Quinta Carmela’ now that a special investigation has been made on site, but the fact is that we can achieve a total amount, indication of the lugar reception, using 4470 soles.

Melissa Paredes plays in Magaly Medina by her messenger’s critic.

Anyway, the research that’s been done and it’s not like this is any kind of research. Including, most of your life with this topic and an answer to the presentation, what you need to do is not tend

And conversation con Trome, Magaly Medina it is important that your priority is given and you must prepare for ‘your turn’.

“I live in Arequipa and celebrate the people of my life and the story that the world lives in the wild and has my colita, but I do not want to respond to a nadie, it is a different story, or other priorities,” said the periodista .

If you have an embargo, it is confirmed that your usual program is usually running, because you can respond at this time.

Melissa Paredes plays in Magaly Medina by her messenger’s critic.

Melissa Paredesthe most visible molesta, tomó the decision to realize a video Magaly Medina. The first suggestion is that if the subject of your home is not in the era of your development, there will be much less in your program. This means that there is no demand for compensation for local event locations.

“In the Magaly (Medina) program it was invented that my interest is not interesting and that it is interesting. Because I am not interested in my program, I am invited to these five, three and ten years ago. An Anthony también has an invitation and has not shown interest, because he does not want a single time, no importa. Because it is not interesting, if people you trabajo bien, inform, and if you know that you can do the pain, at a time when your child can do this, you can read that it is a terrible era,” Melissa explains by to refer to the location conocida como ‘Quinta Carmela’.

Melissa Paredes plays in Magaly Medina by her messenger’s critic. IG

You ask for a good amount of information at Magaly TV La Firme, which presents evidence of your most requested questions for the event. “A la señora Magaly que haga mejor su trabajo, que mande a sus reporteros por ultimo, si no te interesa, ni hables de mi boda”, explains the actriz, enfatizando and who reveals the following aspects of your vida conjunta with Anthony Aranda, The existence of an extensive base of seguidores on Instagram and TikTok is interesting and content with our actualizations.

“It is a congratulations to the current enterprise, but the fact is that we will invent things that will come back again someday,” and Melissa Paredes, who intends to continue her celebrity with the public during her journey through social speeches.