“Disciplina, fuerza y ​​​​velocidad”, Bayer Leverkusen’s triple victory in the semi-finals of the Europa League | Football | Deports

De español Xabi Alonso, entrepreneur of Bayer Leverkusen, said that his players were able to beat their opponents against Roma (0-2), but in the end they were satisfied with the result.

“He has a lot of fun and he has played a big role with a lot of discipline, fuerza and speed. It means a lot that there is a lot to do. There is a big recuerdo of this case, so, he can take a big share”, in the street of the prensa.

Piero Hincapié and Bayer Leverkusen go to the Europa League! Los Alemanes Vencieron 2-0 against AS Roma in Italy and a passo in the final

The “Neverloser,” who ends up getting the combination of aspirin, doesn’t have to last a few minutes of finals before he or she gets a chance to be sentenced. If you do your best and confirm your superiority to win the successful campaign, while Cayeron eliminates the Roma in the misma round, delivering a result that has the coloca pie and halfway through the final.

Bayer Leverkusen de Piero Hincapié has not renounced the ‘triplete’ in the semi-finals of the Europa League

“There are often cases where the disease occurs while he is dealing with it a lot of the time. Pero no lo hemos aprovechado del todo. The result is satisfactory,” he says.

At minute 28, the lateral Karsdop controls the ball of Grimaldo in the propio area with the intention of ceding Svilar and Wirtz, solo against the meta-servo, while the marcador takes the help of the español.

Luego, Andrich decided that this era was enough. Reception on the frontal area and the puso in the escuadra. Incomparable for Svilar.

The technology is reinforced by 47 parties that are increasingly being prosecuted. The players of Andrich and Wirtz are in a privileged position for the match in Alemania, which will play the final of Dublín. (D)