Tikina o Levuka in Ovalau will have a tank system, water pump, backup water tank, floating power supply and a solar network

Tikina o Levuka in Ovalau will have a tank system, water pump, backup water tank, floating power supply and a solar network

It was an exciting day for Tikina o Levuka in Ovalau after they were presented by the Minister with a 10cm diameter tank system, an aeration system, a water pump, a backup water tank, 40 bags of floating feed and a solar energy system. for fishing and forestry. The assistance with agricultural equipment was part of the minister’s two-day tour of the island.

While handing over the equipment, Minister Kalaveti Ravu stated that Levuka Vaka Viti is also one of the selected locations for a pilot project of tilapia farming in outdoor tanks, while the other areas of the project are the Naleba Youth Training Center in Labasa and the Dreketi Fisheries station include. as well as a private sector farm in Savusavu.

He says the project will later be supplemented with 3,200 Tilapia juveniles, which is estimated to produce a yield of 680 kilograms of adult Tilapia four months after stocking.

Ravu said some youths from the Tikina o Levuka will also be attached to the Naduruloulou Research Station in Kasavu for three weeks to learn the processes of tilapia farming in outdoor tanks to ensure the proper and successful implementation of the project.

The Minister said the Ministry is driving and implementing these livelihood projects to help alleviate poverty and raise the living standards of people in our communities, especially those in rural areas.

He also assured the community that the Government through the Ministry will continue to support developments in Ovalau and other areas in Fiji.

Mata-ni-Tikina o Levuka, Taniela Tamani, says implementing projects like this is encouraging for the communities in Ovalau.

He says they are happy with this kind of project as it will make the villages stronger through income generation and food security.

Tamani added that involving youth in these types of projects will also help them stay away from criminal activities.