World BEYOND War supports the peace camp in the United States of Wisconsin

By Madison for a World BEYOND War, May 2, 2024

Madison for a World BEYOND War has very actively supported students’ Popular University for Gaza and asked UW-Madison to disclose and divest investments in Israel. The students are doing a fantastic job and have created a thriving, peaceful, effective community there. Their leaders had good negotiations with the chancellor this morning. Here you will find many details about their learning paths, requirements, etc.

We have been out at the Library Mall encampment every day, sometimes all day, with banners, signs, flyers and wearing our WBW shirts. Every day we get to know more students. Many students are interested in the abolition of war and enter into discussions with us. We issued a press release and letters to elected officials supporting the camp. With the blessing of the camp media team leader, our young spokesperson Phil Trachtenberg did interviews for 3 stations expressing our support for the WBW.

Our first WBW intern at UW has had a strong semester with us. She only works 5 to 10 hours a week and has done a fantastic job and done a lot of groundwork. We have made a plan for activities on campus this summer and fall. The ecumenical center on campus provides us with space, and we have received many applications from students who want to work with us on anti-war organizing on campus this summer and fall.