A Venezuelan and Cuban population in Equipo de Refugiados

During the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, during the 2024 Olympic Games, 36 athletes prepared for the Refugiados 2024 Olympic Games to demonstrate their talent. Representing 11 countries, these athletes form the club and solidarity to an international escalation.

The cabinet is a competitor of Cuban pirates Fernando Dayán and leader Ramiro Mora, along with Venezuelan tirador Edilio Centeno. Using the lade ectoria, because most disruptions can promote the excellent deportation on the world platform, the inspirations are greater.

The history of these Latinos in the Equipo de Refugiados

Fernando Dayán, known for his medal at 1,000 metro distances with his partner Serguey Torres, made a decision that he wanted to continue his life: a trip to Mexico in 2022.

Ahora lives in Florida, Estados Unidos, and is becoming more and more intense to increase the current situation. In this fashion, Ramiro Mora’s transition to Cuba to Reino Unido in 2019, he started in a circo of Blackpool before recovering his status of the halterofilia campus in Bristol, with his British title in 2022 and 2023.

Edilio Centeno, who is director of a prestigious academia in Venezuela and the country’s biggest tirador, hopes that his habilitation in Mexico still works with his hermana.

Equipment emblem

These athletes, among others with different origins, compete with the stand of the Olímpico refugiados, while a flecha gossip figure is a simbolo conmovedor of their collected trays by the Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI).

The ciclista of Tokyo youth veteran Masomah Ali Zada ​​expressed his appreciation for the equipment emblem. “The current emblem creates a sense of security and makes it possible to represent the more than 100 million people who share this experience,” explains.

Since its debut in 2016, the Equipo Olímpico de Refugiados has been a vital reflection of COI’s commitment to inclusivity and global unity on the journey to deportation.

Because of the nature of athletics, the participation of these resilient individuals is more than the entire competition. Tells a history convinced of the superación of the opponent and the light of our indomitable spirit.

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