Letters: A Blessed Eclipse Experience – BC Catholic

I enjoyed Peter Vogel’s coverage of the solar eclipse. My wife and I were able to see the Great Eclipse in 2017. We were staying in Newberg, just south of Portland, but still had to drive south toward Salem that morning to be in the totality zone.

Not sure where to stop, we happened upon a parish church (St. Edward’s) in Kaiser where they provided parking and coffee on a donation basis. It was a great view.

So for 2024 we decided to stay in Niagara on the Lake. The church bulletin of St. Vincent de Paul even included a chapter on the solar eclipse. Unfortunately it was cloudy, but it was still an eerie experience. It got very dark, the birds stopped singing and the coyotes started howling.

Eclipses are great to take on holiday, and I understand there will be one in Spain in 2026!

Martin Sollanych
Harbor Moody

It is so important to support the Jewish community. We need to understand what anti-Semitism is and how it is playing out in terrible ways today.

“Not everyone who calls for a ceasefire is in favor of Israel’s destruction,” Rabbi Infeld said.

Of course not. There are few people in the world who want to destroy Israel. It’s a sick mentality to even think and express such an attitude.

Almost everyone, given the choice to live in peace with their family and neighboring countries, would choose to do so.

Calling for a ceasefire means looking at the possibilities for a peaceful way of life in this region of the Holy Land. We can never accept that Israel is threatened with aggression.

Marianne Werner

Your recent coverage of St. Joseph fails to mention that he has been Canada’s patron saint for about 400 years.

A saint for families, good husbands and hard workers is something my country really needs right now.

Nancy Peirce

I’m grateful for Ida Gazzola’s article, The Turbulent Teens, about bonding with teens.

It’s such an important topic and I’m glad she shared so much about the conference she attended.

It’s food for thought for all Catholic parents.

Colleen Roy