Flavio Mendoza had childhood sexual abuse: “Creo that you are healthy”

Flavio Mendoza has suffered sexual abuse that occurred in his childhood

A conversation with Hector Maugeri for the cyclo +Caras, Flavio Mendoza Sexual abuse has been reported for years. “You are abused by everyone who in no era of the family is directly part of a person who lives hoy, that exists and that you have a large company. Nunca lo dije, solo un par de veces y me acuerdo que mi hermana después de un programa me llama llorando y me dice: ‘Ay, la primera vez que lo escuché no me animé a preguntarte, ¿querés contármelo?’ y ella me tiraba nombres. Yo le dije: ‘Ya está, yo no te lo voy a decir’”, comes in connection with the core graph and this charla mientras sostenía a su hijo Dionisio nubre su regazo.

“You will see that you can see this person’s name. No por poder, sino porque es del medio”, said the director of Teatral. And so, the entrepreneur wonders if there is no disclosure about his abuse. “Because you think you are healthy”, responded to the creator of the espectáculo Stravaganza.

You can record the moment when you keep following one of your friends. “Do you want me to be a friend hooking up with a friend? I find a lot of these friends, if so, that’s a similarity. Y rejects me some disculpas. I think I took advantage and I did this no matter what I do:’Bueno, pero vos epochs gay‘. ‘¿Con siète años? Is it your job to do this? ¿Have you ever had a gay era?’”, record with amargura.

Flavio Mendoza started working with Dionisio

“There is a terrible confusion in the gente and what you say: ‘Bueno, ahora es gay’. No, it’s always the case that I’ve enjoyed a lot, that I’ve enjoyed a lot lately and that I’m Marco for all my life. And at some point you don’t know what to do anymore. You have become a public person and you know what you say, it is what you have to do. You cannot do this. This is meant to be a persona,” Mendoza argues.

During the conversation, the core graph is reaffirmed by the man noting the name of the person who is violently sexual. ‘I protected my family. It is not that anything happens, but there is no blame for the nada. There is no protection against him”, this is one of the last jurados Bailando por un Sueño. “If my abuser’s name is a problem, think of a monster and I’m not going to participate in the fact that it’s necessary for me to protect myself without it bothering me,” continues.

For other parts, Mendoza has had a period of rosarino Juan Pedro AleartIt appears that public opinion has indicted your father for sexually abusing his husband. “I see and see that it is always a regular habit,” said the bailarín.

Festejos de Dionisio el hijo de Flavio Mendoza

Además, Flavio says that other people by the fact that no animation is revealed will become his abuser while he gives his wife a robo, “the medium use of the knowledge to commit a crime and not provide protection from the crime . Because I have committed an offense that has become my hermana, for much of that time it has become one of those things”, to include the well-known case Javier Bazterricamore conocido como El Gigolowhile you may have a “simple” media personality.

“There is an era in which we feel and are a person who is a mujeres and a comprobado. Because we don’t know what the tendency is to lose a sample,” says Mendoza.

If the victims of violence are known or sexual, or if you see the sea, go to the line 137. It is free, national and brinda contención, help and companionship for 24 hours, during 365 days of the year.