Carlos ‘Tomate’ Barraza: Kurt Villavicencio reacts to the music he plays “copiloto”, the accident

The cantante Carlos ‘Tomate’ Barraza see you involucrado in a transit accident on the first day of the Madrugada on May 2, 2024, at the intersection of Avenida La Marina with Sucre. The collision between vehicles is a fact, it is a number of the stage name, controversy often arises in the circumstances after the accident, of which there are several reports.

The program of spectacular programs Panamericana Televisión, ‘Todo se Filtra’ Revealing all the information about success-related relationships reveals all these accions that Barraza received immediately after its impact.

Add comments Kurt Villavicencio and ‘Todo se Filtra’, After the chofer situation starts, the chofer side can be used, while the colorless vehicle has a polarized moon, while immediately watching the co-pilot and seeing his friend in the chofer style.

“What are the consequences? When ‘Tomate’ Barraza drove the car and polarized the moon, this moment of the accident ‘Tomate’ was a cambiado, he can be a co-pilot and his friend, which he can be as a pilot. Además, no acudieron a hacerse los exámenes”, commenting on the popular ‘Metiche’.

Since there is an embargo, there is an investigation, that Barraza’s vehicle has 100% of its polarization, including part of the lantera, because there is no clear evidence that the side of the car is in place .

Carlos ‘Tomate’ Barraza is involved in an unexpected transportation device.

Sometimes there are other vehicles that a taxi company can use for an application, including car repairs and repairs of a car, increase in cost of 3500 soles, After commenting on the popular ‘Metiche’, a unique detail was given that the real cost already had 5000 soles.

“You are a mechanic… planchado, pintura y el faro de acá ¿no?. Thank you for Dios no lo ha roto”, which he comments on Carlos Barraza has an accident and is able to analyze the shock. “El gas is intact,” confirmed.

At any other time of the video that hits the person, he can kill a ‘Tomate’ barraza that gets a desperate act of desperation, at the moment of impact, and his dormitory in the copilot’s part.

“Yo acabo de despertar, reina, son las 12 de la noche, estaba dumiendo. Ahorita viene (el-seguro). If you are in the Plaza de la Bandera, you will see the music playing on a different part of the video.

The cantante Carlos ‘Tomate’ BarrazaImplied by an accident on the Wednesday of May 2, 2024, a public communication with vehicles was established in the crucial phase of La Marina with Sucre.

Communication from ‘Tomate’ Barraza.

In this communication the music has risen the most and all its attention has been given to the concern that most people have who make the collision so public. Asimismo, Barraza takes the moment to clarify that the vehicle is no longer guided blank que chocó a la camioneta roja guinda. If you do, you can view the security cameras again to confirm your version.

“It is one of the people who are busy describing and worrying about my life after the unfortunate incident of the transfer. When we know that some people from my orchestra are giving a presentation while the accident is happening, the message from ‘Tomate’ Barraza begins.

“It’s important that you don’t have automobility because all these people can speculate halfway. Please request all information again to confirm this information,” said the canunt.