Víctor Zanabria, jefe de la PNP, and Dina Boluarte: “Señora, usted es la primera mujer policía”

The Comandante General of the National Police (PNP), Victor ZanabriaReconcióció is jueves the contribution of more than 23 million political parties to the institution and reflection on the equality of the general security during a ceremony during the presentation of the President Dina Boluarte and the Ministry of the Interior, Walter Ortiz.

“The PNP is one of the established institutions that has diminished the overall history of the country. Not a single function is that the police is more cumliendo”, while the police during your discussion about the Día de la Mujer PoliciaBefore we examine the different roles, we play a political role.

“A large number of national, comprehensive functions for criminal investigation, order and security, providing vehicles, triple aviation, carrying out lifting operations, checking transfers, and working on fiscal police services are no longer necessary. Constitutionally, señora (Boluarte), is the first time that the police fulfill the function of many people in the protection of citizens in the great and ancient homeland,” he said.

“A difficult task has arisen that involves keeping a diary to consult some of the protectors you don’t need. Este saludo empieza por usted”, next. Attention with the adoption of the Article 167 of the Constitution, Boluarte ejects the cargo jefa suprema tanto de las Fuerzas Armadas as de PNP.

In the fight against the politics of the Mujer, the Estado has promoted the value of all integrators of the PNP. Photo: Flickr/Presidencia

When the Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) denounced abuses and acts of violence in the anti-governmental protests, the administration by the government – denounced before Congress for many years in this period – was not organizing a fire operation.

“(Ni)the Ministers have chosen the Chairman of the President to decide on the protocol to be used by the National Police Armadas. If you use your propia-ley, you can use your propios protocols. ¿A quién obedecen? A sus comandos. Nosotros no tenemos comando. You can be the suprema of the Fuerzas Armadas, but if you have no command, you loosen protocols, you said in May 2023 El Comercio.

At the beginning of April, and in the middle of the escándalo del llamado ‘Rolexgate’, Boluarte you can appeal to the members of the Comando during the surveillance camera in the Palacio de Gobierno. This act, which occurs regularly, is similar to the answer that is the ejército.

Testimony of the unofficial situation that a spectacular attack on the people in the Alt neighborhood is being realized. Channel N

“If Gobier operates the capacity of the PNP, it may be that the vacant positions will be expanded to become more postular on the female escuela (…) As the first president of the country’s history, I comprometo con ustedes para seguir abordando the opportunities and opportunities in the exploration of female talent in the political struggle,” according to the mandate period of the distribution.

“A lot has gone wrong to discover the courage of the current political power,” he then admits. The ceremony involves 53 political parties in the unofficial task Veronica Gargateintegrante de la Directorate of Political Aviation (Diravpol), who breathes new life into and saves an old building that remains stuck in a building due to an inciting event in the Cercado de Lima.

Garpoortwhile we have started with a decade of service in politics and experience of the missions in desafiantes environments as self-peruana, the rescue equipment remains in a few minutes the procedure of the base area “Mayor General FAP Armando” Revoredo Iglesias” in el Callaodonde tene sede de la Diravpol.