Is it the decision to block Lille’s journalistic economy with the situation in Gaza?

Ce jeudi matin, ils sont environ 80, rassemblés devant l’entrée de l’école de journalisme de Lille (ESJ). The many omen of masks, the keffiehs-également. They are voting at the most important level for a common text of retaliation and giving us an agreement for a “parole porte” that answers questions to journalists who want to take this action. Selon des enseignants de l’ESJ et de l’IEP de Lille qui observant cerassemblement, take a look at the design of the building, the exterior of the house. Beaucoup is a fellow student of the political faculty of Moulins, a habit of monitoring social mobilizations. Parmi de jeunes who accept answers from journalists, Naïma, who acts as a presenter “étudiante lilloise mobilisee” mais refuse the donner son course. Read more about a coup in Gaza: “on an impression that lies on the American loins, on a price that has never been so high! Maintenance, on a social reseaux that has left the borders and in particular that the Gaza Strip puissent voir qu’ils sont soutenus “. It is a matter of thinking that the Gaza movement occurred at a moment in France’s international politics: “History, all these movements of the poids. In particular that France is selling the weapons in Israel”. I think I have seen “two things, two standards” when I compare the attitude of France with that of Ukraine and Russia with Gaza and Israel.

Soutien de Martine Aubry

This action is based on the help of Martine Aubry, le maire (PS) de Lille: “franchement, je suis heureuse que les jeunes bougent, déclare l’élue au micro de France Bleu Nord. When we ask ourselves whether we have committed crimes against humanity near Gaza, there is not enough mobilization, not on any conversation! If you accept pass and in Jamaica, I can 50 years ago for a paix in Proche-Orient, for the existence of two living establishments and a safe place, it is what you do This is what Israel does not do in the fight against Netanyahu’s politics. Oui, it is a deep agreement with the government of Israel, but there are no more agreements with the Israelis and with the Juifs. You accept anti-Semitism even if it is Netanyahu who is still innocent”.

Appeal au boycott

Louis, with his “étudiant lillois mobilisé”, regrets it “Tous les members, the quelque côté qu’ils soient. Nous ne pouvons nous satisfaire that la France continues with the lives of the poor and no representation of international freedom on the risk of genocide over time”. When you take revenge, you appeal to an “immediate cessez-le-feu”, to a “mediatic tradition plus just conflicts” and to form a partnership between Sciences Po Lille and Tel Aviv University. A common master, dedicated to peace and the settlement of international conflicts, has been in place since September 2023. “This revenge may be offered by certain people of the Administrative Council precedentsnarrator Etienne Peyrat, le director de l’école. The position of the board of directors is very clear in favor of refusing to boycott. It is not a point of the vue, it radiates a cell evolution. You think you can no longer think about how to work with research institutions and a superior Palestinian state”. Comme delivrer des enseignements à distance aux étudiants gazaouis private de course en ce moment. Partnerships exist with the West Bank and the University of Naplouse, twinned with Lille.