“F*ck You Charles (Barkley): 76ers and Knicks fans join forces to bash TNT Host’s daring version of Game 6

Someone should have taken the button from Chuck. Now he’s gone and he’s done something he shouldn’t have done. Let’s be clear: Charles Barkley wants the 76ers to win. He had very little confidence in a Sixers series before Game 5. Then they won and he was a chest-thumping gorilla, ready to take on the Knicks and their fandom. That overzealous excitement has carried into Game 6 on the Sixers’ turf. Barkley hit the button, got a questionable shower and called it for the 76ers.

He did something unimaginable with this guarantee: he brought the Sixers and Knicks nation together in harmony. Against him.

Chuck Guarantee gets the seagull treatment


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Ahead of Game 6 between the 76ers and Knicks, the Inside Guys called their predictions. Shaq Guarantee doesn’t quite sound like that, but Shaquille O’Neal tried it with a non-existent button. He slammed the table and declared a blowout loss for the Sixers. How big? 19-20.

While that hardly counts as a blow, the OG showed how it’s done. Charles Barkley pressed the button and called out a guarantee – this game is for the Sixers. He was rightly pooped.

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The seagulls returned to shower Chuck with a friendly atmosphere. His only concern was saving his Diet Coke. The TNT crew was divided among the seagulls and forgot the most important part.

Everyone is afraid that the Chuck Guarantee curse will strike. Barkley tends to damn his favorites with that damned button. By pressing the button, the 76ers fans mourn and the Knicks fans celebrate their premature victory. They agree that it’s all thanks to Chuck.

Charles Barkley ensures world peace

Chuck would still be bitter if the Knicks beat him and his Sixers team in 1989. He’s aiming for a win for the Sixers, but he could have done that.


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