A message to world Jewry from Israeli President Isaac Herzog – J-Wire

May 3, 2024 by J-Wire Newsdesk

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President Isaac Herzog yesterday issued an urgent message of support to Jewish communities around the world in light of the dramatic resurgence of anti-Semitism and following hostilities and intimidation against Jewish students on US campuses in particular.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog speaks at “Hostage Square” in Tel Aviv on January 14, 2024. Photo by Gideon Markowicz/TPS

In his special broadcast, President Herzog said:

“To our sisters and brothers, to our friends on campuses and in Jewish communities in the United States and around the world, to those who stand by and defend the Jewish people and the State of Israel, to all people of good will: from Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Israel, I tell you: the people of Israel support you. We hear you. We see the blatant hostility and threats. We feel the insult, the violation of faith and the violation of friendship. We share the concerns and concerns.

We see prominent academic institutions, halls of history, culture and education polluted by hatred and anti-Semitism, fueled by arrogance and ignorance, and driven by moral failings and disinformation. We watch in horror as the October 7 atrocities against Israel are celebrated and justified.

We hear you. We recognize your heroic efforts. We are with you, and we are here for you.

Faced with violence, intimidation and intimidation, as masked cowards smash windows and barricade doors, attacking the truth and manipulating history, we stand strong together. Together we will continue to build a thriving, life-affirming nation.

While they sing for the Intifada and genocide, we will work – together – to free our hostages held by Hamas, and fight for civil liberties and our right to believe and belong, for the right to live proudly, peacefully and to live safely, as Jews, as Israelis – anywhere.

Next week the Jewish people will celebrate Yom HaShoa, Holocaust Memorial Day. We will speak of the dark times of the past, and we will remember the miracle of our rebirth: in our ancient homeland, the Jewish democratic state of Israel, and in the entire Jewish world.

Together we will overcome.

In light of this terrifying resurgence of anti-Semitism: have no fear. Be proud. Stand strong for your freedom. Israel is by your side. Israel takes care of you. We take care of you. We are here for you.

We will see better times. And together we will say: Am Yisrael Chai.”