Eddie Fleischman and the ironic commentary against Paolo Guerrero have now started working with César Vallejo for part of another

Eddie Fleischman and the ironic commentary against Paolo Guerrero during the César Vallejo vs Cienciano broadcast.
Eddie Fleischman and the ironic commentary against Paolo Guerrero during the César Vallejo vs Cienciano broadcast.

Paolo Guerrero volverá a estar ausente en Cesar Vallejo. There is no list of convocados for the duel with Cienciano and Cusco, por la fecha 14 del Torneo apertura 2024. The club is not public in the name of the viajeros en el ‘Exterminator’ It is not considered to give a more muscular presentation.

The detergent is intended to prevent shock ‘Daddy’ of these four days May 3 at 6:00 PM at the Inca Garcilaso stadium. Será la tercera vez que Guerrero it cannot be taken into account Guillermo Salas And these are the general reactions. Eddy Fleischman The volvió arremeter is against the selection of 40 years old and has an ironic commentary.

The periodic transport insurance is very rare that Paolo does not play in the alternative city, and that is only before Always ready and El Alto y frente a ADT en Tarma. People, who stand in solidarity with the Acuña family, can make a great economic profit to act and take into account what they can do.

“Caray, if you do something different, no. It is a matter of life that the seniors compete with the greatest economic history of current football. Mucha mala suerte,” publishes the report on his social media.

List of convocados by César Vallejo for the meeting with Cienciano.
List of convocados by César Vallejo for the meeting with Cienciano.

El ‘Exterminator’ sorprendió todos reapareciendo in el Cesar Vallejo vs Sporting Cristal el pasado lunes April 29. Paolo Guerrero reapareció después des cuentros en fue titular for los ‘celestes’ in the crucial duel that ends with three parts ‘poets’ for 2-1 at the Mansiche de Trujillo stadium.

Sharing 40 years can be the first time and do your lugar Alejandro Ramirez. You can make a choice to dose the pierna and stay at times. There is an indication that the muscular muscle mass is increasing, which is a provocation that has not happened before Cienciano.

The North American capitán is now young and everything is titular: this is a drawer League 1 y tres en la Copa Sudamericana 2024. There is a celebrity at the moment: next time at Cusco FC, Unión Comercio and Comerciantes Unidos.

“It is a matter of partido and cannot be 100%. Contento por de triunfo, necesitábamos la victoria”, commentar la choque con los ‘cerveceros’.

Los Trujillanos remontaron 2-1 and home for the ‘celestes’ by Torneo Apertura. (Video: Liga 1 Max)

The duel in between ‘poets’ your el ‘Daddy’ será television por League 1 Max, official channel of Campeonato Peruano. The problem is caused by an exclusive journey through the various operas such as DirecTV, Best Cable, Claro TV, others others. También por League 1 Games, plataforma streaming that displays with a cost menu from S/. 59.90.

Además, Infobae Peru There are many incidents with the previous minute, minutes, statements and much more.

The technique of la selection peruana express the lesson that Paolo Guerrero presents and which is the best of the canchas. Jorge Fossati confidentiality of que el ‘Exterminator’ If you want to recover, keep in mind that you are not in severe pain or that you are overly concerned about it. El ‘9′ de Cesar Vallejo es fijo para la ‘two-tone’ You can see this with the best friends in the FIFA June ahead of the Copa América 2024.

“Concerned about the little lesson of Paolo Guerrero, as the most recent player, he can choose more selective players,” the US state of Uruguay stated.

La ‘blanquirroja’ The preparations for Paraguay can take place on June 7 in Lima and on June 14 at 7:30 PM (Perú) at the Subaru Park de Filadelfia stadium.